Let New Haven’s Tweed Airport Have More Flights

Christopher Peak photo

(Opinion)—This Monday, Mar. 4 at 10:30 a.m., the state legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation will host a hearing on a bill that would allow New Haven’s Tweed Airport to lengthen its runway.

I am a New Haven educator and a graduate of the most recent class of New Haven’s Democracy School. Along with thirteen of my fellow classmates, who are longtime New Haven residents, small business owners, students, and retirees, I urge you to call your state representatives and .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to support this critical legislation, House Bill 7143.

Expanding Tweed’s runway by 1,000 feet would allow more types of planes to take off from Tweed, and would bring more destinations within our reach. The change would create seven more flights per day at the airport, giving New Haven nonstop access to destinations like Chicago, Washington D.C., and Florida. The move would also make it cheaper and easier for people in the New Haven area to fly, and would add 300 jobs and $32 million to the region’s economy.

Four million travelers live closer to Tweed than any other airport, but have to drive to Hartford, New York, or New Jersey to catch a flight. An expanded Tweed would make air travel more accessible to New Haveners who don’t have the money or time to reach faraway airports. Those without the funds to pay for a ride to Bradley or LaGuardia, or who can’t leave work early enough to catch a 7 p.m. flight out of JFK, are often stymied from visiting family, attending a funeral, or competing in a weekend sports event. A local airport — with routes to multiple hubs — would make air travel less expensive and time-consuming for many New Haven area residents.

Lengthening Tweed’s runway would be a huge stimulus and job-creator for the city. The expansion would likely add another 300 jobs and $32 million to the region’s economy. Moreover, many of the jobs created by a Tweed runway expansion — plane technicians, pilots, baggage handlers — would be airport jobs, which pay decent, middle-class salaries. New York’s area airports have the highest minimum wage in the country: $19 per hour. The base rate for airport workers in a smaller city, Seatac, Washington, is $15 an hour.

Moreover, a quick look at the history of flights at Tweed Airport reveals that we have the capacity to host more flights. In the mid-1990s, before most commercial planes started to require slightly longer runways, New Haven’s Tweed Airport served 130,000 passengers annually. That’s over three times the number of passengers that currently use the airport.

Expanding Tweed holds enormous promise for New Haven’s future. More flights at Tweed would not only create good-paying local jobs, but would break down barriers for New Haven area residents to travel for school, work, and family.

Join 14 New Haven Democracy School graduates in demanding the state legislature pass H.B. 7143, so New Haven’s Tweed Airport can expand its runway. Call your state representatives and submit testimony to the Transportation Committee today.


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