Paul Bass Photo
Sgt. Anthony Campbell rose to the top. Sgts. Racheal Cain and Tony Reyes were right behind him.
Those cops came in first, second, and third on the recent police lieutenant promotions exam. Their names are at the top of a promotions list certified by the Civil Service Board during a 12:30 p.m. meeting Tuesday. (Scroll down for the full list of 20 cops who passed.)
The police department can now use the list to promote cops into 12 vacant lieutenant slots in the department. Assistant Chief Denise Blanchard said the department is aiming to make those promotions by December, part of an ongoing effort to fill many vacancies throughout the department..
Technically, the department can promote according to the “rule of three,” selecting any of the next three names on the list for each promotion. In practice, the department almost always goes straight down the list.
Shortly after 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, the proposed promotions list was handed out to Civil Service Board members. As cops in the room tried to catch a glimpse of the list, personnel director Noelia Marcano described the testing process.
She said that 26 cops took the test, which had a written and an oral component. Of those, 20 passed, achieving scores of 70 percent or more. The highest score was 85.5. The mean score was 75.43.
The test was evaluated by a diverse panel, Marcano said. An assessment of the results showed no indication of race or gender bias in the test, she said. Two women and 18 men passed. Of those, 12 are white, five are black, and three are Latino.
The board voted to certify the list for one year, with the option of extending it for an additional six months or a year.
“I think that was fair,” said Louis Cavaliere Jr., head of the police union, after the certification. He said the certification is a “step forward,” given the department’s need for supervisors.
However, he cautioned, as cops move up the ranks, “patrol is going to be like a skeleton crew.”
Cavaliere acknowledged that the department is bringing in new cops with new police academy classes. “I just don’t want to see cops get hurt.”
Assistant Chief Blanchard said the department may decide to fill all vacant lieutenant spots at the same time, then place officers into the vacant sergeant spots. She said the department hopes to make five captains in the spring, which would open up another five lieutenant spots at that time.
The 20 cops on the lieutenant promotions list are:
1. Anthony Campbell 85.50
2. Racheal Cain (nee Inconiglios) 84.48
3. Otoniel “Tony” Reyes 83.39
4. Douglas Harkins 82.47
5. Nicholas Marcucio 82.32
6. Herbert Sharp 82.26
7. Makiem Miller 81.96
8. Robert Criscuolo 81.21
9. Max Joyner 80.72
10. Brendan Hosey 79.87
11. Alfonso Vasquez Jr. 79.36
12. Herbert Johnson III 77.49
13. Darcia Siclari 75.75
14. Richard Miller 75.42
15. Samuel Brown 74.34
16. Jason Minardi 74.08
17. Vincent Anastasio 72.70
18. Jason Koenig 71.83
19. David Guliuzza 70.81
20. John Wolcheski 70.80