Josiah Brown of the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven sent in this release:
With International Literacy Day approaching Sept. 8 and a new school year underway, the Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven has welcomed five new members to its volunteer board of directors:
• Cheryl Cisero Durwin, professor of psychology at Southern Connecticut State University, whose research interests include reading development;
*Susan Holahan, who teaches English as a second language in the New Haven Public Schools (and who participated in a task force that resulted in the Coalition’s creation more than a decade ago);
*Eddie Rose, assistant professor of developmental mathematics at Housatonic Community College, with teaching experience also at Gateway, Southern, and in the New Haven Public Schools, among other institutions;
*Kyn Tolson, director of operations and development at Read to Grow, which focuses on early childhood;
*Donna Violante, executive director of Literacy Volunteers of Greater New Haven, which works with adults (and recently published “Hear Our Voices”).
The Coalition, an all-volunteer nonprofit organization with a mission to promote, support, and advance literacy in the region, was established in 2003 by a board led by the late Christine Alexander, who also founded New Haven Reads.
The Literacy Coalition of Greater New Haven sponsors events such as this Literacy Forum and features a LiteracyEveryday website with portals to Get Help, Volunteer, Donate, and Learn More, as well as a listing of News/Events.
The Coalition – which is on Facebook and Twitter (@LiteracyGNH) – invites inquiries and announcements at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).