Logan (left) helps distribute 300 masks at Hamden Rehab and Healthcare.

State Sen. George Logan accepted the Connecticut Republican Party’s endorsement Monday night to continue representing Connecticut’s 17th District with a promise to support businesses and oppose tax increases.
Logan is running for a third two-year term to represent the district, which stretches from Eastern Hamden to Beacon Falls to Ansonia, encompassing constituents from across the political spectrum. He received the party’s nomination uncontested at a speedy convention held Monday evening over RingCentral.
Democrats Justin Farmer and Jorge Cabrera are competing for the Democratic Party’s endorsement on Tuesday night to challenge Logan. (Read more about that here.) Logan ran against Cabrera for the seat in 2018, defeating him by just 77 votes.
Logan’s fellow Republicans praised his hard work and determination. Logan is an omnipresence at diners and community events throughout the district, documented in an active Instagram account.
“He listens. He cares. He goes from morning ‘til night reaching out to residents of the towns he represents,” said Kristi Pistarelli, who nominated Logan for the endorsement. “I really don’t think he sleeps. I really don’t.”
David Papcin, who seconded the nomination, added that Logan is “deeply embedded in the community.”
“Whether it is something like calling you back, or something major like providing PPE [personal protective equipment] to essential healthcare workers, I know that every single resident in our community has an advocate in Senator Logan,” Papcin said.
As he accepted the endorsement, Logan promised to “work harder than ever” to accomplish his legislative goals of stopping tax increases and promoting businesses’ growth.
Logan touted his record of voting and advocating for those priorities, including his resistance to a proposal to add tolls to Connecticut highways last year.
He warned Democrats would seek to impose new taxes and tolls in the next legislative term. “I’m looking forward to going back and stopping all of the bad policies that you’ve heard of before,” he said.
“We need to make Connecticut more affordable for our residents,” he said. “We hear over and over again how the increase in taxes is really hurting the abilities of people to live well.”
Logan also mentioned promoting manufacturing industries in order to build a “vibrant business economy.”
He spoke further about these goals and debated tax and toll issues on a recent (pre-pandemic) episode of Dateline New Haven. Click below to watch it.
And click below to watch him play lead blues guitar at the end of the segment. (As a sideline, Logan fronts a Jimi Hendrix cover band.)