In the wake of the city’s fourth homicide in 11 days, officials said they’re putting more walking cops in neighborhoods and revving up anti-violence programs.
Interim Chief Renee Dominguez and city Community Services Administrator Mehlul Dalal offered that update online at the start of the police department’s regular Thursday morning “Compstat” data-sharing meeting.
They spoke the morning after a 28-year-old man admitted to cops that he shot 34-year-old Adrian Barwise to death Wednesday night, according to people familiar with the incident.
The shooting took place around 8:30 p.m. inside a Sherman Parkway house between Munson and West Division Streets.
Police responded to 911 calls, and found the alleged shooter on the premises when they arrived. The shooter told officers that he shot in self-defense when Barwise came at him with a knife.
None of that is confirmed, as police are in the early stages of the investigation.
The shooter had a legal pistol permit. The attack apparently took place indoors.
What To Do?
Before the official briefing Thursday morning, Rev. Boise Kimber of the Greater New Haven Clergy Association held a Zoom press briefing blasting the city for failing to contain violence, in part through what he called a disappearance of community policing. “People right now do not know their district managers. Nor do they know their sergeants. Nor do they know the police officers who are working their community. That is a major problem,” Kimber stated. He called on the department to have officers “get out of their cars” and “meet and talk to people.”
At the Compstat briefing, Chief Dominguez said the police are doing that. She said the department launched new walking and bicycle beats on May 25, and they will continue through the summer. The department has been hampered by a staffing shortage; federal pandemic relief is helping to fund a “Summer Reset” initiative to boost anti-violence programs. (Click here to read about that initiative.)
Top west side cop Lt. Elliot Rosa said he has placed his walking beats in the vicinity of Fowler Street and South Genessee Street. Top Newhallville cop Lt. Manmeet Colon said she has focused her walking beats in areas where recent violence has been concentrated.
Dalal spoke about other recent antiviolence efforts he is helping to coordinate including:
• hiring of four more street outreach workers.
• expanding the number of “youth navigators” hired under the “Youth Connect” (formerly known as “YouthStat” program) to work with young people at the highest risk of involvement in crime.
The police department has also fully revved its Project Longevity of Project Safe Neighborhoods programs back up after a pandemic slowdown, Chief Dominguez said. Click here and here to read about those efforts.
Top Hill cop Sgt. Justin Marshall reported that detectives have developed a “person of interest” in the double shooting that occurred last week on Redfield Street, where two people at a cookout were “ambushed by individuals coming from adjacent streets.”
Mayor Justin Elicker also spoke at the Compstat meeting. He asked people to view the New Haven violence uptick in the context of even greater increases in other cities. (See above chart.)
At his previous presser, Rev. Kimber called the invocation of national violence statistics “a poor excuse.” “This is New Haven, Connecticut,” he said. “People in New Haven, Connecticut, should feel safe in their community, walking the streets, going downtown, going to a movie. At this particular time we are not safe in New Haven.”
13th 2021 Homicide
Wednesday night’s Sherman Parkway incident was the 13th homicide so so far this year in New Haven, the fourth in 11 days.
In January, Alfreda Youmans, 50, and Jeffrey Dotson, 42, were found dead by the police inside a Winthrop Avenue apartment, Jorge Osorio-Caballero, 32, was shot and killed in Fair Haven, Marquis Winfrey, 31, was shot and killed in Newhallville, and Joseph Vincent Mattei, 28, was shot and killed in the Hill. Someone shot Kevin Jiang, 26, to death in Goatville on Feb. 6. Angel Rodriguez, 21, was shot to death in Fair Haven in mid-February, his body dumped by the Mill River in East Rock. Dwaneia Alexandria Turner, 28, was shot to death in the Hill on March 16 during an argument with two other women.
On March 26, Alessia Mesquita was shot dead in Fair Haven. Then 20-year-old Mariyah Inthirath was killed Saturday, May 15, on Sheffield Avenue and Hopeton Jack was killed near Orchard and George on Tuesday, May 18. On May 19, Tashawn Brown was shot dead across from Edgewood Park.