On Scene Media NHC
At G-Mart after shooting.
A 31-year-old man was shot outside a Fair Haven convenience store Thursday morning, then collapsed inside in a pool of blood.
The shooting occurred outside G‑Mart at Ferry and Peck Streets Thursday around 11:30 a.m.
The victim stumbled into the convenience store and “fell down on the floor,” Mohammed, an employee who was with a customer at the register at the time, later told the Independent. A second employee called 911.
Police reported arriving at the scene to find “several large pools of blood along with 10 spent .45 caliber casings.”
They didn’t find the victim there, though. Someone had driven the victim to Yale New Haven Hospital, where he was treated for injuries from gunshots to the back, shoulder and mouth.
The shooting victim was listed in critical condition Thursday.
Police did develop information from a variety of sources, leading them to approach a car on Woodward Avenue. Two of the car’s occupants fled; officers chased and caught them, and recovered a revolver and .40-caliber pistol, according to initial reports.
It was not confirmed Thursday night whether the weapons and the car were definitively linked to the shooting.
“This is a known neighborhood hot spot with frequent drug dealing outside,” observed Fair Haven Alder Sarah Miller. She said the location needs more police attention.
The owner of G‑Mart, Gazy Kaden, agreed. Just last month, a half-dozen bullets hit the store during a shoot-out at the corner.
“I feel terrible. I am scared,” Kaden told the Independent. He said he called the police 30 times last month to report problems. Some of the people involved in the violence know he called, he said. “They come in the store. They said they will shoot me.”
“When I go there, I see people hang out. I call the people. Police can only do so much.”