Man Stabbed Over A $5 Pool Debt

Two men were playing pool at Poor John’s Pub on Middletown Avenue Tuesday night when they got in an argument over a $5 pool debt.

The started fighting. The debtor, a 55-year-old Guilford man, ended up being stabbed by his opponent,a 64-year-old Naugatuck man.

That’s according to police spokesman Officer David Hartman.

The alleged stabber left the premises. Someone called 911; cops showed up and heard the story from the victim and from witnesses, including a security guard who said he’d tried to stop the stabber from fleeing but the stabber swung the knife at him as well.”

Witnesses pointed the cops to the suspect’s fleeing car. Cops stopped the car and questioned the suspect, who had a fresh laceration on his right pointer finger.” He was described as uncooperative.” Police charged him with assault in the second degree, criminal attempt to commit assault in the first degree, breach of peace in the second degree and possession of narcotics.”

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