Mauro Reelected Democratic Town Chair

Paul Bass Photo

Vincent Mauro Jr. entering Tuesday evening's DTC meeting.

New Haven Democrats voted unanimously Tuesday evening to have Vincent Mauro Jr. continue serving as town chair into a second decade.

The Democratic Town Committe (DTC) vote took place at a meeting in the basement of 200 Orange St. Mauro ran unopposed. He now begins a sixth two-year term, making him the sole second-longest-serving New Haven Democratic town chair since at least the Eisenhower administration. (Until now he was tied with five-termer Susan Voigt for second place.)

Mauro promised to work hard in coming weeks to involve more New Haveners in the political process and respond to recent complaints about lax record-filing: He said he would have the full rosters of all 30 ward committees filed in the city clerk’s office by some time in May.” And the first modernization of town committee rules since 1977 undertaken and then filed within 60 days.”

I put a little added pressure on myself to get this done,” Mauro told the Independent.

He invited anyone interested in joining a party committee to email him at

Mauro grew up with politics — specifically town committee politics — in his blood: His father Vincent Mauro Sr. served as town chair for eight years, until 1987. The only longer-serving town chair was Vin Jr.’s late uncle Arthur The Mustache” Barbieri, who led the local party for more than three decades (in two spurts).

It is a joy to do,” Mauro, who recently stepped down as the State Senate chief of staff to go into lobbying as his day job, said of serving as town chair. New Haven’s political stability helps the city solve problems,” he said. The stability does matter to me, part of keeping New Haven a stable and normal place.”

New Haven’s Democrats dominate local politics, despite a growing base of unaffiliated voters: All contested elected offices from clerk and alder to state legislator and mayor are held by party members. Statewide Democratic office-seekers woo that bloc of voters each campaign season. Earlier this month a DTC-backed slate of candidates fended off a slate of challengers in eight primaries for ward co-chair positions.

Click on the above video to watch Democratic Town Chair Vincent Mauro Jr. speak at length about the Democratic Party and town committee and politics in general, in a March 5 discussion on WNHH FM's "Dateline New Haven" program.


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