Mike Carter Calls It Quits, Again

Maya McFadden Photo

Michael Carter at a July 2024 board meeting.

New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) is down one more administrative lead now that operations and facilities consultant Michael Carter has wrapped up his eight months of city-paid work for the school district.

NHPS spokesperson Justin Harmon confirmed that Friday was Carter’s last day on the job supporting NHPS in reorganizing and managing its facilities and operations department.

Carter, who previously worked as a deputy mayor for the Harp administration, stepped into his school district consultant role last June after then-NHPS Chief Operating Officer (COO) Thomas Lamb was put on paid leave in May. (Lamb wound up resigning in October.)

Sadly, this is Mr. Carter’s last day!” Harmon told the Independent on Friday. He is irreplaceable. Even so, we are continuing to search for a professional who will be able to take the role on a permanent basis.”

Click here and here to read previous articles about Carter’s work for the district, including his efforts to improve performance, turnaround times, and accountability for custodial services, maintenance services, and other district vendors. Carter also spoke up in support of bringing NHPS’ snow removal and custodial work in house, and started conversations with the city around repairing and replacing district snow equipment so that NHPS is less reliant on contractors.

In an email on Monday, Carter wrote, I would like to thank the Mayor, the BOE and the Superintendent for their support during this time.”

At a Board of Education meeting in February, he spoke about how he has enjoyed his time with NHPS, and has taken pride in bringing his knowledge and expertise in procurement to the school district to try to improve how it operates its facilities and works with vendors.

Reached for comment Thursday, New Haven Federation of Teachers President Leslie Blatteau said Carter was a key person who ensured NHPS was responsive to the union’s concerns. She emphasized the need for a new point person to be identified once Carter departs.


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