Once decried as the ruination of our small New England city, Old Timey Mod is now cool for those moving back into the city from the suddenly New Lame Burbs.
Yes. Listen up, you young things “catching a vibe straight out of Chelsea.” Ikea furniture, Design Within Reach accoutrements, and sleekness seem ascendant. Its not just hipsters: architectural historians have found that heinous contempt for the rejection of the historicists gains provenance when it’s old enough.
A state-funded website by the New Haven Preservation Trust surfs that wave, lauding the beauty of the old new. Yale has backed that up with massive restorations of Luis Kahn’s museums, Paul Rudolph’s Art & Architecture Buildings and the renovations and underground expansions of Ero Saarinen’s Ingalls Rink and Stiles and Morse Colleges.
To listen to the episode, click on the audio above.