New #2

A fast-rising participant in New Haven political circles has ascended to the number-two spot of the Connecticut Democratic Party.

His name is Erick Russell. On Wednesday night the Democratic State Central Committee chose him as the party’s new vice-chair.

The new chair is former Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman, who succeeds Nick Balletto. Jacqueline Kozin, who use to live in New Haven (now in Hartford) is the party’s new executive director.

Russell, a 2012 University of Connecticut law grad, grew up in New Haven. He has served as party co-chair of Ward 6 (City Point) and is a member of the New Haven Democratic Town Committee. His name surfaced as a possible State Senate candidate last year when it appeared that then-gubernatorial. candidate might choose New Haven State Sen. Gary Winfield as a running mate, opening up a seat. (Lamont didn’t end up doing that.)

By day Russell works as an attorney specializing in municipal and state government work for the Pullman & Comley firm. He hairs the LGBT section of the Connecticut Bar Association and co-chairs Connecticut Cares for Lambda Legal.

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