New Haven Newz Quiz April 12

Maya McFadden Photo

Note: Answers appear at the bottom of this story, along with links to relevant news stories from the past week.

1. What were the above-pictured Jepson School students drawing?
A. Diagrams for an after-school Early Jump On Geometry” enrichment program
B. Imagined ideas for new New Haven apizza specialties as part of an after-school art class
C. Pictures of the soon-to-begin solar eclipse at an after-school watch gathering
D. Faces of their favorite recording artists at an outdoor music & pictures” class
E. Non-representational pictures at a free art” contest at which SCSU students served as judges

2. I’m in love with you, and you, and you, and you”: Who said it where this week?
A. Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz addressing the Young Democrats at Yale as she planted seeds for a 2026 gubernatorial run
B. Donald Trump in a special promotion for his signature bibles sent to New Haven’s clergy members
C. Barney to third-graders seated in a circle at an assembly at Edgewood School
D. Lead singer Elizabeta of Hell Fairy singing the polyamorous anthem Why Limit Luv” live on WNHH FM at Mediterranea Cafe’s Hookah Lounge.
E. The city’s new tax collector to property owners lined up to contest their latest tax bill on the first floor of City Hall

3. What position was Michael Morand named to this week?
A. City historian
B. Chair of the charter revision commission
C. Co-chair of the 2026 Bysiewicz For Governor campaign
D. Chair of the New Haven Museum board
E. New bassist of the long-running New Haven new wave band The Furors

4. City Budget Director Michael Gormany retired to take a new job as …
A. Municipal finance analyst at Moody’s
B. Regional president of Citizens Bank
C. Gov. Ned Lamont’s new budget chief
D. West Haven Mayor Borinda Borer’s new budget chief
E. The 2026 Bysiewicz for Governor finance chief

5. Why have 27 Chevy Bolts been sitting unused in a parking lot since the city bought them last year?
A. They don’t work
B. The city can’t charge them
C. The parks department decided to use plows and bicycles instead
D. City officials decided they don’t like the color, have ordered a paint job first
E. The city’s insurance company has booted them until the city pays past-due bills

6. Route 34 West Developer Yves Joseph sought the zoning board’s permission to …
A. Replace the former Rite Aid with a new roller skating rink
B. Build an extra six stories atop a planned medical building
C. Put in 27 electric-vehicle charging stations so the city can use its Chevy Bolts
D. Construct an above-ground walkway over the road to Career High
E. Have 0 off-street parking spaces rather than the required 63

7. What were 475 intergenerational protesters on the Green Wednesday morning demanding?
A. More yacht slips at the Long Wharf docks
B. More funding for New Haven’s public K‑12 schools
C. More funding for charter schools
D. More funding for pre-school early education
E. More parking spots at Route 34 West

8. Why did North Carolina’s Livingstone College President Anthony J. Davis return to his native New Haven this week?
A. To hand out on-the-spot acceptance letters and financial aid to 15 Hillhouse students
B. To observe Hillhouse’s career pathway program training future cops and firefighters and EMTs
C. To give a speech at Career High about higher education and urban economic development
D. To participate in an ESUMS panel on the future of HBCUs
E. To charge his Chevy Bolt

9. How does the Elicker Administration propose to redesign upper Orange Street?
A. Make it one-way
B. Change its color and drop the speed limit from 25 to 20 MPH
C. Add protected bike lanes
D. Eliminate sidewalks
E. Add electric-vehicle charging stations

10. What did Yale just buy in the Hill for $2.5 million?

A. Roberto Clemente School
B. The Kimberly Square triangle
C. The former Daggett Street rubber factory & illegal artist lofts
D. The Kimberly Avenue Citgo/Sam’s food store property
E. Leon’s


1. C City Sets Gaze On A Vanishing Sun
2. D Orange Street Goes To Hell
3. A. Michael Morand Named City Historian
4. D Gormany Retiring As City Budget Director
5. B Charger Crunch Slows City EV Rollout
6. E Biomed Builder Seeks Parking Pass
7. D 475 Rally At​“Morning Without Childcare”
8. A HBCU Prez Visits Hillhouse — With Acceptances Ready
9. B City Pitches A​“Slow” Orange Street
10. C Yale Buys Daggett Square


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