Thomas Breen Photo
Note: Answers appear at the bottom of this story along with links to relevant news stories from the past week.
1. What are Police Chief Karl Jacobson and homeless organizer Billy Bromage discussing in the above photo?
A. Whether the police department has any openings for community outreach workers
B. Whether officers would block traffic on Edgewood Avenue to allow for a march for affordable housing
C. Plans to set up a tent encampment on the Green
D. Whether Bromage has contraband on his person
E. Where to buy leak-proof rain gear
F. Rumors about HBO reviving The Wire for a sixth season
2. What is the “CORE Score”?
A. A rating system for applicants to an entrepreneurship program enlisting business retirees as mentors
B. 2 New Haveners’ alternative to the GDP as a measure of the economy
C. Combined results on college applicants’ standardized tests
D. A new initiative of New Haven’s quasi-public Community Outreach & Rehabilitation Enterprises, Inc.
E. A civil rights organization’s rating of elected officials’ legislative voting records
3. What was installed this week in Kimberly Square?
A. A series of speed bumps
B. A series of speed traps
C. A police video surveillance camera
D. A public guide to local smoke shops
E. A clock
4. Which of the following New Haven officials has not left to work for West Haven’s mayor?
A. Karyn Gilvarg
B. Steve Fontana
C. Rick Fontana
D. Michael Gormany
5. What is Ganim C LLC?
A. The mayor of Bridgeport’s family law firm
B. The mayor of Bridgeport’s New Haven-based family financial-counseling firm
C. The owner of a Chapel Street smoke shop raided this week for selling adulterated kratom
D. The name of one of the Ocean-affiliated companies that dumped 37 properties over 2 months
E. The corporate name of a for-profit pre-school opening on James Street
6. Whom did Democrats nominate to run for the 94th General Assembly District seat?
A. Robyn Porter
B. Bill Dyson
C. Irv Stolberg
D. Steve Winter
E. Joshua Moore
7. How many different people have served as Hillhouse High School principal since March 2022?
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
E. 4
8. What is Flamerz?
A. A drill team based in the Annex
B. An apparel-smoke shop based in the Annex
C. A motorcycle club based in the Annex
D. A popular cocktail at Manhattans Bar & Grill in the Annex
E. An improv comedy troupe that performs at the Annex YMA Club
9. In what way are three New Haven magnet schools failing in the mission to redress the effects of racial segregation, according to the state?
A. They have too few white kids
B. They have too many white kids
C. They have too many suburban kids
D. They’re failing to teach kids of color to the same standards taught in majority-white schools
E. They have too few teachers of color
10. Based on a “multiplier effect” calculation, how much money did College Street Music Hall and Westville Music Bowl pump into New Haven’s economy in 2023?
A. $5 million
B. $30 million
C. $50 million
D. $87 million
E. $111 million
F. $300 million
G. $500 million
H. $1.1 billion
I. $6.66 billion
Answers to the puzzle, along with links to the relevant news stories, appear after the following podcast of a “Headlines and Basslines” segment (music and more headline talk) of WNHH FM’s “Dateline New Haven” program. (Click here to subscribe or here to listen to other episodes of Dateline New Haven.)
1. C Tents Don’t Pop Up On The Green, For Now
2. B GDP Hackers: How’re We Really Doing?
3. E Kimberly Square Gets Time Of Day
4. A West Haven Mayor Steals 2nd New Haven Fontana
5. D Ocean Settles Suit & Sells, Sells, Sells
6. D Surprise! Winter Tapped For Porter’s Seat
7. E Hillhouse Principal Plans To Stay
8. B Barber-To-Bong Pitch Goes Up In Smoke
9. A Schools Seek White/Suburban Students
10. C College St.‘s Lit — With Sidewalk Tables Ready