New Haven Works
Gets Green Light

Paul Bass Photo

Marchand: We got the message.

City lawmakers looked over a nine-month report about how to connect local people to jobs — and had zero objections.

The report was the product of a working group” on how to create a jobs pipeline” in New Haven to connect unemployed and underemployed people with existing positions in town.

The Board of Aldermen Tuesday night voted unanimously to approve the report.

That means a new organization tentatively called New Haven Works can get to work forming a board and hiring people to try to connect 1,000 New Haveners to 1,000 jobs over the next four years. The report called for the creation of New Haven Works and set that goal.

Click here to read a full story on the report.

Several aldermen stood up to praise the work of the working group” and the final report before voting Tuesday night. Dozens of supporters of the project listened in City Hall’s aldermanic chambers, then broke into applause after the unanimous vote.

Westville Alderman Adam Marchand (pictured above at a public information session prior to the board meeting Tuesday night) noted that the whole pipeline idea grew out of demands candidates heard on the campaign trail last fall, when a labor-backed candidates won a super-majority on the board.

So many New Haven residents have cried out for gainful employment,” Marchand said. We certainly heard that knocking on doors.”

Dry run: Job-seekers at a recent city-run screening session.

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