With work set to begin reconnecting College Street, the city just picked up another $2.2 million to do the same down the block.
The $2.2 million will go toward designing the next phases of Downtown Crossing, the step-by-step filling in of the Route 34 Connector “Highway to Nowhere” and reconnecting downtown with streets at the gateway to the Hill neighborhood.
The first phase of Downtown Crossing has already been designed and approved: The filling in of the Route 34 Connector’s last exit and the construction of an 11-story medical-oriented office building atop it. Physical work on that phase is set to begin in February.
The new $2.2 million should cover the architectural work needed to design how to reconfigure Temple Street as well as Orange Street as they, too, connect with the streets on the other side of Route 34, according to city development chief Kelly Murphy.
Temple Street, with its curving off at Route 34, and lower Orange Street, with “all those grade changes,” present a bit more of a design challenge than did the more straightforward connecting of College Street, Murphy said.
The money comes from the state Department of Transportation. It originated from a fund at the federal Department of Transportation, from money that had originally been set aside for projects in other states that ended up not being “shovel-ready,” Murphy said.
Mayor John DeStefano and U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro announced the awarding of the $2.2 million to the city last week.
“These monies will continue to set the stage for one of the largest downtown development project in city history,” DeStefano stated in a release. “For half a century, the highway divided the City and served as a reminder of the homes and businesses that were lost. No more. This February, work will begin to remove the highway and restore the street grid, employing thousands of people and propelling our local economy for decades to come. What was once a symbol of lost opportunity will again become a thriving part of our community.”