Lucy Gellman Photos
Juan Bobo. Frida Kahlo. Diego Rivera. Dom Luis Martino Martin. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor.
For a long time, they were united by one common narrative thread: rich life stories right out of the twentieth century, celebrating creatives, thinkers and advocates that weren’t pale-skinned, blonde-haired, or blue-eyed.
Now, they are also brought together by author-illustrator Carmen T. Bernier-Grand, who has honored them in her richly illustrated children’s books. Bernier-Grand appeared in the WNHH studio with OneWorld Progressive Institute‘s N’Zinga Shani to talk about why these characters — from the folk tales of Juan Bobo to Sotomayor’s journey from rebellious toddler to Supreme Court Justice — have meant so much to her as a professional. For her, a transplant from Puerto Rico , the stories simply needed to be told.
It’s a trend she wants to see continuing among future generations of professionals.
“We need more authors and more illustrators, and the ones that we need are the minorities,” she said.
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