Police Move Report, Body Cam Requests Online

Public requests to see police incident reports, car crash reports, and officer-worn body camera video footage can now be made online via an updated page on the city website.

New Haven Police Department spokesperson Capt. Anthony Duff announced the newly accessible online request form in an email press release sent out Friday afternoon.

Click here to request an accident report, an incident report, body camera footage, an arrest record check, or a civilian complaint form online.

The Department continues in its commitment to provide the highest level of service to the communities we serve and strives for continuous improvement,” Lt. Rose Dell, the officer in charge of the department’s records division, is quoted as saying in the press release. Streamlining this process will minimize delays created by walk-in and mailed report requests.”

According to the press release, the department has sold 213 accident reports for five dollars each through the vendor LexisNexis between May 1 and May 20. In that same time, the department has seen 255 incident reports requested.

The press release email indicates that members of the public can fill out a form online and submit directly through the website; fax it; mail it or when the lobby at Police headquarters reopens to the public, drop it off at the Front Desk at 1 Union Avenue.”

Accident reports cost five dollars a piece, while incident reports 10 pages or less are free of charge, and incident reports over 10 pages cost 50 cents per page.


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