Aldermen won’t be pledging their allegiance to the flag before their meetings — unless a lawmaker happens to request it.
That’s the result of a vote by the Board of Aldermen Tuesday night. Aldermen voted to grant “leave to withdraw” to a proposal that would have required aldermen to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting of the full board.
The proposal was submitted by former Westville Alderwoman Nancy Ahern in October 2012. She described it at the time as an “appropriate way to start a meeting in the United States of America.”
On Tuesday, aldermen voted to have the recitation of the pledge be an optional part of the “Divine Guidance” which opens each meeting of the Board of Aldermen. A different alderman leads Divine Guidance each meeting, offering a prayer or an inspirational thought.
Newhallville Alderwoman Delphine Clyburn, who chairs the Aldermanic Affairs Committee, said her committee considered the proposal and decided to drop it without legislative action.
“We decided to let [the pledge] be part of Divine Guidance,” if aldermen choose it to be, she told her colleagues before the unanimous vote in favor of the leave to withdraw.
The pledge proposal was the subject of two meetings of the Aldermanic Affairs committee. At the Nov. 26, 2012, meeting, at least three members of the public testified in favor of a pledge requirement, according to minutes from the meeting.
The discussion continued at a Jan. 28 meeting, during which Wooster Square Alderman Michael Smart said that making the pledge part of the rules of the Board of Aldermen would be “moving too far,” according to minutes from that meeting.
Bishop Woods Alderman Mark Stopa spoke up in favor of saying the pledge. But when Beaver Hills Alderwoman Angela Russell moved to give the item leave to withdraw, the committee supported the motion unanimously.