David Sepulveda Photo
Tet Offensive lead singer Brian Robinson, with the String Quartet.
Set up at the base of a majestic copper beech tree, a “chamber rock” group that blends classical music and rock was one of two main attractions at the latest installment of the Beecher Park Summer Concert Series held Monday evening on the grounds of Westville’s Donald Mitchell Library.

The pie station.
The other attraction was homemade berry pies, entries in the “Hi-Fi Pie Contest” sponsored by Westville Village Renaissance Alliance and hosted by Mitchell Library. Folks were able to sample a wide range of berry pies with the proceeds benefiting the Summer Concert Series.

The picture-perfect weather Monday evening brought out about 200 attendees who relaxed on the gently sloping lawn when they weren’t standing on line to get a taste of the goodies at the pie station. Last week’s opening concert series event, Ginga Brasileira, featured Capoeira dance and was held inside the Mitchell Library.

WVRA Executive Director Chris Heitmann enjoyed his sampler plate.
The pie contest will continue throughout the Monday night summer series. The series ends on Aug. 19, when apple and pear pies will be complemented by the unique musical sounds of Dr. Caterwaul’s Cadre of Clairvoyant Claptraps.

Westville’s Mia Duff and niece London enjoy the musical offerings.
The next concert, on Aug. 5, will feature stone-fruit pies and the Afro-Semitic Experience, whose music contains “jazz, spiritual music, world-beat, funk, cantorial, gospel, salsa, swing and soul.” Those who favor cream and freestyle pies will have to wait for the Aug. 12 concert, when the Indie pop rock group Like Violet entertains.

The 3 Judges: Ana de Los Angeles (left), Sharon Lovett-Graff, and Naomi Senzer.
Monday’s pie-making contest featured guest judge Ana de Los Angeles, owner of Manjares Restaurant and Fine Pastries, who donated the first prize of a $50 gift certificate to her restaurant.

The great weather brought out many families and children.
First place went to Kathleen Krolak for her blueberry crumb pie. Second place went to Nichole Gleisner for her strawberry rhubarb pie. To enter the pie contest or to get more information, contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Tet Offensive singer Brian Samuel Robinson, Managing Director at the Yale Symphony Orchestra, said that most of the band’s musical numbers were original compositions, with around three covers of Elvis Costello, R.E.M., and White Stripes songs. Robinson and various configurations of the string quartet can be seen at area venues and music festivals; on this clear summer evening, they seemed perfectly placed and comfortable at the base of the copper beech.
Click on the video to watch the closing number.