Among the finalists: Campbell, Casanova, Helliger, Howell.
Come mid-April, Mayor Toni Harp vowed Monday, she will have named a new police chief.
Harp made the vow during her weekly appearance on WNHH radio’s “Mayor Monday” program.
The city has been without a chief since Dean Esserman resigned on Sept. 2. Anthony Campbell has served as interim chief since then. Harp has had a search committee working since then to sift through an original batch of 24 applicants (four of whom had no police experience so were immediately eliminated form consideration).
Replicating a process that led to the selection of a new fire chief, the search committee originally aimed to present Harp with three finalists to choose from by the end of February.
“I’m going to be doing is building a fire because it’s really important to me that it gets done by some time in April,” Harp said Monday in response to a question from a caller to the show. “I thought it was really great to have this process. But if the committee can’t move quickly enough, I will just make a decision.”
The committee has narrowed the list to eight finalists at this point, including Campbell, Assistant Chief Luiz Casanova, Captain Patricia Helliger, and retired Lt. Kenny Howell, according to people familiar with the process.
The search committee includes, among others, Yale Police Chief Ronnell Higgins, city Controller Daryl Jones, New Haven State’s Attorney Patrick Griffin, mayoral Chief of Staff Tomas Reyes, emergency operations chief Rick Fontana, Corporation Counsel John Rose Jr., and Qunnipiac Meadows Alder Gerald Antunes.
City Chief Administrative Officer Mike Carter, who oversees the search process, said the committee is on track to have three finalists selected by Harp’s deadline. His committee is preparing a 15 to 20-page training and experience questionnaire for the remaining candidates.
“We’re going to have an excellent” chief in the end, Carter predicted.
Click on or download the above audio file to hear the full episode of WNHH radio’s “Mayor Monday,” which also covered economic and community development issues in the news.

The episode of was made possible with the support of Gateway Community College and Berchem, Moses & Devlin, P.C.