Police chief job posting, on city-hired consultant's web page.
Mayor Justin Elicker on Monday: Survey coming soon.
Interested candidates can now apply to become New Haven’s next permanent police chief.
That’s according to a job posting that went live on the city’s website on Monday.
“The ideal candidate will be a reform-minded leader who conveys an effective command presence and has outstanding people and management skills,” the posting reads. “The ideal candidate will be capable of inspiring trust and confidence in all New Haven’s diverse communities, as well as earning respect and confidence of both sworn and civilian employees. Lastly, the next Police Chief will be expected to work collaboratively with other City departments.”
The application period closes on May 8.
The posting comes roughly a month after the city picked a California-based consultant to help New Haven find a new permanent replacement for Acting Police Chief Renee Dominguez. It also comes more than three months after the Board of Alders rejected Dominguez’s nomination to serve as permanent chief. Soon thereafter, Dominguez announced her plans to retire after the city finds a replacement.
Click here to read in full the job posting on the city website. Click here to read the job posting on the city-hired consultant’s website.
Asked for an update Monday morning on the work that Ralph Andersen & Associates is doing as part of New Haven’s new police chief search, Mayor Justin Elicker and city Chief Administrative Officer Regina Rush-Kittle said that the consultant has already interviewed some alders, police commissioners, and the Yale police chief about their thoughts on what they want to see in Dominguez’s replacement.
Elicker said the firm is currently “finalizing the brochure” for the job. That “marketing” document will include a job description, information about New Haven, and details on “the attributes we’re looking for in a police chief.”
And, the mayor said, the consultant is just about done with two surveys “that will go out to the community and to the officers in the police department.” Rush-Kittle said that those online surveys will be made available later this week.
Acting Chief Dominguez on Monday.
All of this comes more than a month after Elicker first announced on Feb. 18 that the city had picked Ralph Andersen & Associates to help find a new permanent replacement for Dominguez. Ralph Andersen & Associates was the only firm to respond to the city’s RFP for the job.
It also comes as a lawsuit filed by Rev. Boise Kimber against Dominguez continues to make its way through state court. The case involves the mayor’s interpretation of the city charter in his choice to keep Dominguez in an interim/acting role as chief after the Board of Alders rejected her nomination.