Beware: That “date” you just made on the internet made turn out to be a rendezvous with a criminal.
It won’t end well.
New Haven police have a noticed an uptick in such crimes. Police spokesman and department wordsmith Officer David Hartman has responded with the following poem full of advice to keep in mind so that you don’t become the next victim:
A composition by Officer David Hartman
All over the world, people look to find love
In coffee shops, bars and such places thereof
The new trend, however – no more than a click
On a cellphone or device with a memory stick
The love you may seek just might come with a price
From a criminal element well-seasoned in vice
Should you trust a match-maker from the “the cloud” up above
Or rely on tradition to truly find love?
Your excitement at romance will be quickly undone
When Brenda is really a dude with a gun
Be cautious, warn cops, when looking for fun
So the criminals, you won’t have to try to outrun
The rendezvous spot should be chosen with care
In New Haven – perhaps it’s a well-lit town square
Just no darkened driveways – chose someplace elsewhere,
Like a place you’d be proud to spark-up your affair
How embarrassed you’ll be when your wallet gets robbed
By Brenda – who’s really a delinquent named Bob
The match you are seeking should be carefully picked
Just be certain to avoid being conned, robbed or tricked.