Q Club Scores 61

Nicolás Medina Mora Pérez Photo

When city health inspectors swung by the Quinnipiack Club, they didn’t stop for the power-lunch grilled chicken salad. Instead they popped in on the cockroaches.

The elite private club (picture above) on Church Street failed its latest health inspection with a score of 61 out of 100. Most food establishments inspected over the past two weeks passed.

City sanitarians inspect all of New Haven’s restaurants, groceries, and bars between one and four times a year. Establishments that score less than 80 have two weeks to make the recommended corrections. The health department can also close a restaurant, regardless of its score, if the sanitarians suspect an immediate danger to public health.

The Q Club has been active since 1871. It has elegant décor, continental cuisine — and unlabeled toxic products, according to its latest inspection.

Melissa Bailey Photo

The Q’s grilled chicken salad.

Carla Curzoni, the club’s new general manager, explained that the more serious-sounding violations are due to the fact that the club is currently undergoing renovations.

There’s a lot of construction going on. That’s where the cockroaches were,” she said. We’ve actually moved our dinning room to the second floor, which means that none of the violations were close to the food.”

She went on to say that the club’s age makes it harder to keep up to health standards while renovations are underway.

It’s an old building,” she said. When you tear walls open, things come out.”

Curzoni added that the club has already scheduled an exterminator.

On the other side of the health inspection spectrum, the New Worthington Hooker School on 691 Whitney Avenue got a perfect 100 over 100 score.

Here is a selection of the establishments reviewed in the last batch of inspections:

May 23
New Worthington Hooker School
691 Whitney Avenue
Score: 100/100
Due: N/A

•No comments!

May 24
IBIZA Restaurant
39 High Street
Score: 83/100

•Touch up shelves in coolers.
•Fix defective shut on doors. Clean shut on doors.
•Don’t use shelves with food. Fix defective lamination on equipment.
•Tighten pipe on handstand wash line (slight drip).
•Need cups in exposed light bulbs. Fix defective light shields.
•Move thermometer to warmest part of cooler holding potentially hazardous foods.
•Label products not in original containers.
•Touch up defective walls. Clean walls. Fix defective wall tiles.
•Touch up defective exterior on equipment. Wipe exterior of equipment.
•Seal floor-wall junctures.
•Don’t wrap equipment with tinfoil.
•Fix faucet in men’s bath.
•Clean inside coolers and freezers.
•Fix defective floors. Clean floors under and around equipment.
•Need No Smoking” sign on front door.

May 30
New Haven Academy
444 Orange Street
Score: 94/100

•Bulbs out in walk-ins.
•Clean light shields on hood.
•Eliminate unnecessary articles on fryer, clean fryer and baskets.
•Clean walls.
•Eliminate computer equipment in box under handstand
•Broken glass on screen guard.

May 24
50 Fitch Street
Score: 74/100
Due: Before New License

•Wall around ice machine — not smooth, not easily cleanable.
•Mold inside small ice machine.
•Around equipment exteriors, door handles not clean.
•Reach in refrigerator in disrepair (freezing foods), ice machine (large, not working).
•Inside oven — not clean.
•Cutting board with deep grooves — replace.
•Rack shelves inside walk-in — not clean.
•Tongs held on oven handle.
•Floor inside walk-in — not clean.
•Warmer water — not clean.
•Aluminum lined shelves
•Ceiling in kitchen with stained ceiling tiles.
•Storage area with greasy white buckets and stainless steal pots stored together.
•Soda guns and holders — not clean.
•Floor of beer (Keg) cooler — not clean.
•Fruit flies in bar.
•Bottled beer floating in far bear cooler — condemned.
•Beer cooler stopped up — broken bottle removed.
•Wall in men’s toilet — patched — not smooth, not easily cleanable.
•Woman’s toilet room — toilet paper holder — in disrepair.
•Black bucket in beverage storeroom not clean.
•Wood shelves in beverage storeroom — not sealed wood.
•Rear of building littered with debris and unused equipment.
•Dumpster filled to capacity.
•Bar counters — sticky.
•Hole in ceiling (vent system) should be screened.
•Sour creams 60º F — destroyed.

The Quinnipiack Club
221 Church Street
Score: 61/100
Due: Two Weeks

•Touch up defective building structure. Clean air vents. Fix defective ceiling tiles.
•Seal floor-wall juncture. Fix defective ceiling paint.
•Fix defective ceiling in men’s bathroom on 1st floor. Clean air vents.
•Lower hot water at bath handstand to in between 110º-115ºF
•Fix defective illumination equipment. Touch up defective shelves. Clean shelves. Fix counter-top by ice bin. Water disposal at 1st floor bathroom.
•Clean interior of cabinets. Touch up interior of cabinets. Clean counter-tops.
•Fix defective flooring. Clean floors under and around equipment. Fix defective floor-wall juncture cover.
•New paper towels at handstand at bar.
•Hollow straws at bar not protected. Invest in single serving container.
•Show wipes clothes in sanitary set.
•Need thermometer in warmest location of cooler containing potentially hazardous foods.
•No bare hand contact with ready to eat foods.
•Cover exposed food products.
•Pre-set tables with exposed utensils.
•Hang up mops and brooms.
•Label food products in original container.
•Clean fan blades.
•No drinking from an open container in food preparation area.
•Wipe inside cooler and freezer.
•Don’t run drain line into handstand basin.
•Don’t store food or drink on floor.
•Touch up walls and ceilings inside walk-in cooler. Clean air vent covers inside walk-in cooler.
•Fix defective threshold into walk-in cooler.
•Cockroaches present. Schedule exterminator. 
•Fix faucets at handstands in bathrooms.
•Review food products and discard those that have mold growth.
•Follow label instructions on products that state, keep refrigerated.”
•Label all toxic items in spray bottles and squeeze bottles.
•Touch up defective exterior on equipment. Wipe exterior of equipment.

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