Markeshia Ricks Photos
Ward 1 Alder Catalbasoglu at Monday night’s meeting.
Advocates for the legalization and regulation of cannabis in Connecticut are pushing for the Board of Alders to move faster than the stereotypical stoner on a resolution in support of such efforts in the state.
Time is quickly winding down in this year’s short state legislative session — the session ends May 9 — and New Haven area legislators are doing a lot of heavy lifting to push through a bill that would regulate and tax marijuana. While Hartford’s City Council passed a resolution in support of cannabis legalization last year, New Haven has yet to take a stand.

Yale Students For Sensible Drug Policy’s Aiden Pillard.
Yale Alder Hacibey Catalbasoglu wants to change that. He introduced a resolution two months ago to his colleagues that is awaiting a joint hearing by the board’s Public Safety and Human Services committees.
On Monday, he and the Yale University Students For Sensible Drug Policy convened a meeting at the Hall of Records at 200 Orange St. to give people a chance to make their thoughts heard on legalization.
Catalbsoglu sought to hear both the pros and cons of the legalization debate, though he is on record in favor of such a move by the state. But none of the 30 people who showed up Monday night were against legalization. Everyone was in favor and worried about time slipping into the future.
Although 71 percent of people in Connecticut have said in a poll that they favor of legalization, it’s up to state legislators to open the door for legal marijuana use for adults. And for the second year in a row, Democrats with the support of a small number of Republicans, have pushed to make legalization a reality.

NORML’s LeChance, aka “Joe The Weed Guy”: Clock’s ticking, folks!
Joe LeChance, deputy director of pro-cannabis Connecticut NORML (aka “Joe The Weed Guy,” host of WNHH FM’s “Cannabis Corner” program), said if a bill doesn’t get out this year, it could be the last chance for the state. He noted that Republicans, the majority of whom have been against legalization beyond the state’s current medical marijuana program, stand a good chance of swinging power in their direction in the next election cycle and gaining a majority of the legislature. He also noted that a Republican might take the governor’s office.
But if the state doesn’t act, the federal government might make the decision for it.
LeChance pointed out that U.S. Sens. Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York and Cory Booker, a Democrat from New Jersey, are both pushing legalization and decriminalization of marijuana at the federal level.
LeChance said it’s important that cities like New Haven show their support for legalization with resolutions. A bill that would legalize the use of cannabis for all adults squeaked out of the General Assembly’s Appropriations Committee, but it has yet to be called for a vote in the House of Representatives. He urged supporters to contact Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz, a Democrat who represents Berlin and Southington.
“Things like this, getting a city like New Haven to approve resolutions like the city of Hartford did is important,” he said. “It is important to let your legislators know that there is support from the public. We have about 18 days left in the session. It could be brought up to a vote if we get out there and start really hounding these legislators.
“We’re closer than we’ve ever been to regulating cannabis,” LeChance added. “And there are a few holdouts, but the main thing is to get the speaker of the House to even bring it to a vote.”

Women Grow CT’s Smith-Bolden.
Kebra Smith-Bolden, a cannapreneur and lead for Women Grow Connecticut (and cohost of “Cannabis Corner”), encouraged Catalbsoglu to press his colleagues to think about how to carve out a piece of the legalization pie for New Haven and to put it in the resolution.
“I think you should help guide what regulation should be and you should say what you think New Haven should be getting,” she said. “I think that should be in the forefront of the aldermanic mind.”
Catalbsoglu said the alders’ hearing on that resolution has been stalled by some of the other work that the two committees and its members have been attending to including the civilian review board, the annual awarding of the community development block grants, and the ongoing deliberation on the city’s budget. But he said he hopes that by getting members of the public to share with alders their ideas and how they feel about the legalization will move his colleagues to take action.
The 2018 Agenda
Bill # | Status | Summary | Sponsors |
HB 5001 | In Committee Died on the Floor | To impose a fee on transactions involving virtual currency. | Pat Dillon |
HB 5031 SB 4 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Passed Gov. Signed | To allow students to have equal access to institutional financial aid. | Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee |
HB 5082 | In Committee Committee Approved Died on the Floor | To provide state funds to assist hurricane victims from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands who are living in Connecticut. | Juan Candelaria |
HB 5126 | In Committee Died on the Floor | To increase funding to boards of education and family resource centers that provide assistance to students and families from Puerto Rico. | Juan Candelaria |
HB 5112 | In Committee Sent to the Floor Died on the Floor | To permit the retail sale of marijuana and tax such sale to raise revenue for the General Fund and to fund substance abuse treatment, prevention, education and awareness programs. | Juan R. Candelaria, Angel Arce, Josh Elliott, Steven J. Stafstrom, Jeff Currey, Susan M. Johnson, Chris Soto, Patricia A. Dillon, Roland J. Lemar, James M. Albis, Christopher Rosario, Kim Rose, Robyn A. Porter, Edwin Vargas, Matthew Lesser, Gregory Haddad, Joshua Malik Hall, Ezequiel Santiago, Diana S. Urban, Toni E. Walker, Robert Sanchez, Alphonse Paolillo |
SB 1 | In Committee Died on the Floor | To expand the sick leave program to provide earned family and medical leave to certain individuals employed in this state. | Martin M. Looney, Bob Duff, Timothy D. Larson, Steve Cassano, Beth Bye, Terry B. Gerratana, Gary A. Winfield, Ted Kennedy, Catherine A. Osten, Marilyn V. Moore, Edwin A. Gomes, Mae Flexer |
SB 62 | In Committee Died on the Floor | To provide tuition-free community college for Connecticut residents. | Martin M. Looney |
HB 5182 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Died on the Floor | To require building officials in certain municipalities to establish and assess a fee for the commencement of certain work without a necessary permit. | Planning and Development Committee |
HB 5210 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Passed | To (1) mandate insurance coverage of essential health benefits, (2) expand mandated health benefits for women, children and adolescents, and (3) expand mandated contraception benefits. | Insurance and Real Estate Committee |
HB 5084 | In Committee Died on the Floor | To encourage the recycling of nip bottles that otherwise frequently litter urban areas. | Roland J. Lemar and Juan R. Candelaria |
HB 5350 HB 5537 | In Committee Committee Denied Sent to the Floor Died on the Floor | To create a pilot program for shared solar facilities at municipal airports. The bill also would delete the provision that dictates the length of Tweed Airport’s runway. | Energy and Technology Committee |
HB 5475 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Passed | To amend statutory provisions concerning a police officer’s viewing of a recording from body-worn recording equipment under certain circumstances. | Judiciary Committee |
HB 5515 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Passed | To permit a zoning commission to regulate the brightness and illumination of advertising signs and billboards. | Judiciary Committee |
HB 5540 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Died on the Floor | To ban guns without serial numbers and regulate those which are sold in a form requiring the purchaser to finish assembly or that are homemade and to permit local authorities to interview immediate family members as part of a determination of an applicant’s suitability. | Judiciary Committee |
HB 5542 | In Committee Committee Approved Sent to the Floor Passed | To ban the sale or transfer, possession, manufacturing or use of bump stocks or other accessories to increase the rate of fire of a firearm. | Judiciary Committee |