The following letter arrived at the Independent’s office Thursday from a reader in Woodbridge, addressed to the Independent’s editor. (The reader’s name has been withheld.)
Dearest Paul:
I had to laugh when I realized that you had banned me from NHI’s Facebook page. What took you so long? After all, Freedom of Speech means nothing to a Communist like yourself. It’s just our Constitution’s First Amendment, but what does that mean to a New World Order shill? You just could not stand the thought any longer that I might bring more truth to your readers, diverting them away from your endless “liberal progressive” propaganda.

By the way, why don’t you ever do “news stories” (I use that term loosely when it comes to your programming) on chemtrails, which are featured prominently in your New Haven Green photos from yesterday, March 11? Is it because you are aligned with evil to bring on One World Order? You claim to be a Jew, but really, I think you’re a Satanist.
If you our your publication had any actual importance, I would demand to be unbanned from your Facebook page. But an America-hating Communist has no respect for our Constitution, so I understand you are busy serving Evil, so I must be eliminated.