Thomas MacMillan Photo
Veteran Latino political leader Tomas Reyes is the leading contender to serve as chief of staff to Toni Harp.
Reyes (pictured) and Harp have a close working relationship dating back to the late 1980s, when Reyes served as president of the Board of Aldermen. Harp served for a time as the board’s president pro tem (number two in aldermanic leadership). She worked closely with Reyes on a cutting-edge citywide homeless plan, among other initiatives.
An announcement of the chief of staff appointment is not expected before next week. The position, the mayor’s top aide, oversees City Hall staff and serves as point person for the mayor on both policy and political matters.
Reyes, who is 62, said he “would be honored to serve” iin the job. He said that Connecticut Mental Health Center, where he currently works (also as chief of staff), has agreed to grant him a leave of absence if Harp were to appoint him.
“I’ve known Toni for a long time,” and admire her commitment to helping the poor, Reyes said.
Reyes spoke Wednesday of Harp’s “knowledge of city issues, her commitment to working with everyone — including people who are disadvantaged, who we have to work together to bring into the mainstream, which I believe government should be all about.”
“It’s always been a dream of mine to get city government more responsive to people in need,” Reyes said.

Paul Bass Photo
Reyes joined other Latino leaders in endorsing Harp’s mayoral candidacy in June. (He is pictured above speaking at a Sept. 23 Harp campaign rally in Wooster Square.) He has extensive political relationships both in New Haven and statewide, and has chaired the statewide Connecticut Hispanic Democratic Caucus.
Other anticipated possible Harp appointments include Laurence Grotheer, her state Senate spokesman, as City Hall spokesman; and former Chamber of Commerce President Matthew Nemerson (also a former mayoral candidate who ended up endorsing Harp) as development administrator.