Scenes From A Ball

inaugshoes.jpegThe Independent couldn’t make it to the mayor’s inaugural ball last Saturday night. (No free tix were available; plus we were busy preparing team coverage of Ralph Nader’s campaign announcement.) But a mystery photographer sent in these shots. Anyone recognize the shoes?

inaugfirst%20lady.jpegThe First Lady made it to the celebration.

SHirley%20inaug%20michael.jpegCould it be a New Haven party without Shirley Ellis-West and Michael Morand? (Rhetorical question.)

inaugmayorganunez.jpegMayoral spokeswoman Jessica Mayorga and top-tier aide Paul Nunez were on hand, of course.

Inaugural%20Ball%202008%20Clara%20%26%20Frank.jpgClararose Voigt was there with Frank Chee.

lemleyinaug.jpegHard to imagine the event would have been pulled off (little does in New Haven) without Rosemary Lemley, who did find time to enjoy the music.

inauguraldance.jpegShe wasn’t the only one.

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