Sam Gurwitt photo
(Opinion) This past week Gov. Lamont announced that schools would remain closed for the rest of 2019 – 2020 school year.
With all that is going on in the country today, it can be easy to take certain things for granted. Today I wanted to take a moment to thank a group of individuals who have stepped up in this time of unprecedented crisis to ensure that one of our most vital institutions remained intact and operational. I want to personally acknowledge teachers for their hard work and sacrifices during the COVID-19 shutdown.
Teachers already have a tough job under the best of circumstances. The difficulties of their job were made even harder by the indefinite suspension of brick and mortar operations that went into effect in mid-March. In just two weeks Connecticut teachers did what should have taken two years to implement and retooled their approach to educating to move to entirely online teaching as seamlessly as could be imagined. There was no playbook or protocol for something of this nature and our teachers handled it all in stride. So again, thank you for what you do, know that your work has not gone unnoticed and that it is very much appreciated.
As we begin to consider what reopening our schools in the fall will look like, know that I look forward to hearing from you. I want to get teachers’ input on what worked, what didn’t, and how we can improve. I not only want to hear specifically what you think our students will need when transitioning back to physical schooling, but also your needs as well. The Hamden Board of Education, our community, and most importantly our parents and students have your back in this, because without you all, none of this is possible. Thank you again, keep up the great work, and stay well my friends.
In Solidarity,
Walter L. Morton IV
Hamden Board of Education
Walter Morton is a member of the Hamden Board of Education. He is also the town’s director of legislative affairs.