New Haven schools officials called out to the public Wednesday to help them roll out this year’s “change” plan.
At a press conference at 54 Meadow St., Superintendent Garth Harries described the need for an operating plan engaged the public, in part by asking community members to engage in facilitated focus groups to figure out how to improve the schools.
The focus groups are a new part of the updated “School Change 2.0” effort, which includes higher numerical goals for students and a commitment to social-emotional support.
This summer, 88 community and school leaders were trained to lead focus group discussions that will start this month and end in November, said Lola Garcia-Blocker, chief of staff. Students will also get training so they can lead some of the focus groups.
Those 88 people will fan across the city to get different factions of the community to talk about what should and should not be priorities for school officials moving forward, she said.
And community members are encouraged to host their own focus groups, which should be kept small, about 10 – 12 people, to talk about their priorities and how they match with school leaders’ stated goals. A calendar on the schools site will keep track of them.
The notes from those focus group conversations will be posted on the schools website, Garcia-Blocker said.
In addition, central office department heads will hold regular public meetings Thursdays between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m., to hold themselves accountable for progress, and to update the community on their challenges and successes, she said.
“Our goal now is to fine-tune the priorities and metrics of all of our departments,” Garcia-Blocker said.
Parent Cindy Cadet, a trained facilitator, said she is most interested in focus groups around social-emotional learning. “I’m very invested in the system,” she said.