Maya McFadden Photo
The New Haven Police Department (NHPD) swore in six new faces of the future Wednesday afternoon with the responsibility of “dealing with the realities of what it means to put on the uniform,” in the words of Chief Otoniel Reyes.
The swearing in took place on the third floor of police headquarters.
The six new male cadets — who currently reside in Fairfield, Hamden, Milford, Monroe, Orange, and Hackettstown, N.J. —will begin their journey on Friday with six months at the P.O.S.T. Academy followed by another two at the NHPD.

Recruits John Bodman, Thomas Brunski, Tyler Camp, Kevin Joyner, Roberto Talloni, and Antonio Tuccinardi raised their right hands and repeated the oath after Reyes, who reminded them of their expected commitment as New Haven police officers.
“You’ve made a choice even during this very difficult time to take on the mantle of policing,” Reyes said.
As the NHPD continues to evolve, all officers are expected to face the “realties that at any given point people will not like to see you come. You will not always be touted as a hero and you will have to endure that,” Reyes warned.
He added the the upcoming months of training will test the cadets mentally, physically, and emotionallys.

The officers stood six feet apart as Reyes swore them in with a audience of NHPD command staff. The families of the new recuits could not attend due to the the need for space to socially distance.
The deadline for the new round of applications to join the NHPD has been extended to Sept. 11.
“As we face the ongoing challenges that are not just national but certainly global here in our communities, we need good men and women that will help us,” Reyes said.
View the full ceremony in the video below: