He ran the housing authority. He helped fight a bank merger and launch a local community bank. He helped law students bring cases for free on behalf of people who couldn’t pay. He helped make state schools law. And he has always jumped into civic debates (by name, even in web comments sections).
Over 33 years, Yale Law Professor Bob Solomon has made a continuous difference in New Haven, the model of a non-ivory tower academic.
Now he’s leaving the city, moving with his family.
A two-year-old law school, at the University of California at Irvine, wooed Solomon away. He will launch a community and economic development clinic there. Read about the move here.
The departure date is in June. He plans to continue chairing the housing authority’s board until then.
“New Haven is a great town, and we will miss the wonderful people and the never-ending debate,” Solomon said. “But after 33 years, it’s time for new experiences and new challenges.”
This is a huge loss to New Haven and the entire state. Best of luck to Mr. Solomon on this new opportunity.
Though he will be impossible to replace, hopefully Yale will try.