Ko Lyn Cheang Photo
New Haven Public Schools elected officials and legal help will make their case to a state panel on Tuesday afternoon for why they believe the city school system should be allowed to reopen entirely online this fall.
They’ll make that pitch on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.
The meeting will be virtual. Concerned parents, school staff and others can send comments in advance to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) but cannot participate during the meeting.
The state panel will include representatives from the Department of Public Health, the Department of Education and the state Board of Education.
Watch the meeting live here. Access the agenda here.
The state is allowing local school districts to decide to open fully in-person (the state’s preference) or with a hybrid of in-person and virtual school while the state’s number of Covid-19 cases remains relatively low.
The New Haven Board of Education wants to pursue the third option, fully remote school, and needs a waiver from the state to proceed.
Parents have come down on both sides of the issue of whether in-person school will be safe both nationally and in New Haven.
Those pushing for remote school in protests and board meetings have argued that New Haven does not have enough resources to pull off in-person school safely and that even one life lost is not worth it.
Others argue that the safety precautions are enough and that parents should have the choice to send their child to school if they want.