Chris Volpe Photos
Junior Aedan Heffernan (pictured) led a gathering honoring the Stations of the Cross for Lent across the Albertus Magnus campus Monday in New Haven.

The annual Catholic ritual is a 14-step mini-pilgrimage commemorating Jesus’s last day on earth as a man. Sister Anne Kilbride, assistant to the president for Dominican Mission, is pictured above at the Albertus “Be Peace, Live Peace” event, the stated goal of which was “to shine a light on suffering in the world as well as the peacemakers trying to make a difference.”

Faculty member Corey Brushett spoke for the first Station of the Cross, “Those who seek truth.”

Junior Caroline Cooke marked the second Station of the Cross honoring those who have died and those who are ill.

Sister Cathy Buchanan, the campus minister, at the event.

The 10th Station of the Cross (pictured above) focused on those who need peace.

Albertus staffer Jeff Luoma at the event.

The 14th Station of the Cross honored those who are immigrants, near a statue of Albert The Great, a medieval theologian after whom the college is named.