Jordan Ashby Photo
“This is your park,” Gemma Joseph Lumpkin of the New Haven Public Schools reminded middle schoolers gathered Tuesday in Edgerton Park, over and over again.
The students were gathered under the shade of the trees in the park for the second 2022 Summer of Fun Fitness and Reading Challenge. The program is part of Superintendent Iline Tracey and the New Haven Public Schools’ effort to get kids back outside, active, and reading during the summer.
The 60 elementary and middle schoolers from the New Haven Public Schools summer programming got a tour of the park, danced to Beyonce DJ’d by WYBC, received free books, and got a chance to win a gift bag and $50 Barnes and Noble gift card in a raffle.
Latoya Armstrong of mActivity Fitness Center led a warm-up and stretching exercises with the kids.
“It helps the kids mentally. While we were on the trail, they started chatting, playing with water, and you could tell their minds were more engaged. It’s fun for them both mentally and physically,” she said.
Kids waiting to hear with winner of the raffle.
Free books for kids to take home.
For Lumpkin, having this program take place in New Haven’s public parks is crucial. At the opening of the program, she asked the students how many had been to the park before. Only two raised their hands.
“For many of these students, they don’t connect to this area because it’s not part of their experience,” she said about the wealthy neighborhood surrounding Edgerton Park. “I do not want them to feel excluded.”
She said hopes that once their kids are exposed to the park, their families and parents will come as well.
Gemma Joseph Lumpkin tells how the park originally was the estate of Eli Whitney.
Michael Finley, chief of staff for the NHPS, stressed the importance of literacy as he helped distribute books for the kids to take home as a part of Read Across New Haven.
Jordan Ashby file photo
Student compares height with Michael Finley.
Daniel Diaz, NHPS coordinator for parent engagement, showed the kids how to smell flowers gently without breaking the stems during their nature walk through the park.
“I believe nature can be a teaching tool,” Diaz said. “Lots of students live in apartments and don’t have huge backyards. Their hallway is their backyard so getting them to enjoy nature is important.”
The third Summer of Fun event will take place on July 28 from 10 a.m. — noon at the Farmington Canal Greenway.