This “Giving Tuesday,” please consider including a contribution to the Independent.
We are a not-for-profit news organization committed to in-depth community news reporting and robust, respectful civic debate. Thanks to your support, we are in our 13th year publishing the New Haven Independent. We are also in our third year broadcasting local debate and music and information on WNHH FM in conjunction with La Voz Hispana.
Over that time, we have watched the news landscape evolve, including the rise of other public-interest not-for-profit local news sites across the country. We feel as committed as ever to continue our journalistic mission. If you would like to help us in that quest this holiday season, there are two different ways to contribute:
• You can write a check to “Online Journalism Project” and mail it to New Haven Independent, 51 Elm St., 3rd floor, New Haven CT 06510.
• You can make a one-time contribution or sign up to make an ongoing monthly contribution only at the following link:
All contributions are tax-deductible.
Thank you! Here’s to another great year of exploring New Haven together.