Teachers and building leaders who help out with before- and after-school programs will get a $13-plus hourly pay bump, thanks to a new agreement approved by the Board of Education.
School board members took that vote Monday night during the latest regular bimonthly Board of Education meeting, which was held online via Zoom.
The ed board unanimously signed off on an agreement with the New Haven Federation of Teachers, Local 933 that will provide teachers who help to operate before- and after-school programs a pay bump from $32 to $45 an hour. Under that same now-approved agreement, building leaders, who are teachers who organize and operate the programs, will be paid $50 an hour rather than their regular hourly rate of $32 per hour.
The agreement is retroactive to Oct. 21, 2022 and will last until the end of the current 2022 – 2023 school year.
Tuesday’s now-approved agreement between the Board of Education and the teachers union reads in part: “the parties recognize that based on the nationwide teacher shortage, it has been very difficult to operate before and after school programs for our students who need it most; and WHEREAS, the Parties have met to negotiate over these issues and have agreed to increase the hourly compensation for classroom teachers and building leaders who are hired to perform work in connection with before and after school program during the 2022 – 2023 school year.”
Click here to read the full agreement, which was proposed and supported by New Haven Public Schools Supt. Iline Tracey.
The unanimous vote came after a brief ed board discussion in executive session Monday, and more than a month after the board approved a similar agreement with the paraprofessionals union Local 3429. That prior agreement increased paras’ pay from $14.50 to $25 an hour for those who work extra duty supporting before- and after-school programming.