Teens Aim For College

While only about half of their moms graduated college, a group of New Haven high-schoolers have their sights set on a post-secondary diploma. 

That was one result reported in a survey conducted by the Citywide Youth Coalition.

The group polled 142 teens over the summer about their attitudes, beliefs and plans for the future.” The survey-takers were all connected with after-school or jobs programs or summer camp — a small selection that doesn’t reflect the range of New Haven teens.

Of those who responded, 46 percent said their mother or female head of household did not graduate from college. The students said they aim to break that trend: 89 percent said they plan to continue education after high school.

Another 11 percent said they may not continue their education due to cost concerns, a need or desire to work, an interest in joining the military, or that their grades are not good enough to attend college.”

Read the survey results here.

The survey comes as the city unites around a new college scholarship program, New Haven Promise, which aims to promote college-going with students in grades K‑12 and provide up to free tuition at state universities to city students who play by the rules.

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