Melissa Bailey Photo
City Hall staffer Elyse Lyons on her “lunch break” Friday.

Connecticut may be focused on this Tuesday’s primaries and the 2012 Senate and presidential elections. That hasn’t stopped Mayor John DeStefano from hitting the hustings too — for his own 2013 reelection campaign, which he and a City Hall staffer were caught bringing to the Bella Vista senior housing complex.
DeStefano, who is serving his 10th term in office, is about to become the city’s longest-serving mayor in history. His latest two-year term ends at the end of 2013.
He has been mum about whether he’ll seek a record 11th term.
A glimpse into the Victoria Room of Bella Vista on Eastern Drive Friday afternoon showed his campaign is under way.
DeStefano showed up at about 2:10 p.m. to Bella Vista, where over 100 seniors were gathered for an annual block party. He walked in the door with Elyse Lyons, a city staffer who worked on DeStefano’s 2011 reelection campaign.
Lyons (at left in the top of this story) brought in a large box of blue tote bags reading “DeStefano for Mayor 2013.”

She started handing them out to seniors like Liz Savo (pictured with Susie Juliano).
Lyons worked for City Hall before the 2011 campaign and has since returned. She’s currently employed in the economic development wing, working on the jobs pipeline project.

When the Independent spotted her Friday, Lyons quickly handed off the box of bags to Patty DePalma, a DeStefano supporter and former Democratic ward co-chair who lives at Bella Vista.
DeStefano was asked the purpose of his visit.

“It’s sort of just being mayor,” he replied.
Does he plan to run for reelection in 2013?
“That’s what the bags say,” he responded.
He was asked why his employee was handing out campaign paraphernalia during the work day.
“Elyse? I think she’s on her lunch break,” he said.