The Battle’s Over

Laurel Leff File Photo

Saiano (left), with a campaign worker.

Sarah Saiano, the only one of 15 union-backed aldermanic candidates who didn’t win in this month’s Democratic primary, bowed out of the general election race this week, effectively putting a union-City Hall campaign battle to rest.

She made her decision official with a letter to the City/Town Clerk’s office.

Saiano ran in the Sept. 13 primary against City Hall-backed newcomer Sal DeCola in Morris Cove’s Ward 18. She lost 238 to 342.

Like many other aldermanic candidates, Saiano had pulled a Lieberman — before the primary, she petitioned to get on the general election ballot as an unaffiliated candidate. Her letter Tuesday officially removes her from the ballot.

Saiano did not return a call for comment.

Since Republican incumbent Alderwoman Arlene DePino withdrew from the general election last week, DeCola is now set to be the ward’s next representative in City Hall — unless another Republican candidate emerges.

In her primary run, Saiano held her union flag high, announcing herself as a union member at voters’ doors. Saiano was part of a slate of 15 aldermanic candidates backed by Yale’s blue- and pink-collar unions UNITE HERE Local 34 and 35. All of those candidates won their races on Sept. 13 except Saiano.

With Saiano’s departure from the race, the union-backed slate of aldermanic candidates and the group backed by City Hall have no more campaign battles to wage.

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