Contributed Photos
At Nathan Hale.
Sue Peters, Alicia Vignola, Althea Brooks and Liliya Garipova submitted this article concerning their organization’s event.
New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) last week launched its first annual Health and Wellness Summit to recognize past and current efforts to make schools and the City healthier places to learn, live, work and play.

At Wexler-Grant.
Mayor Toni Harp and Superintendent Garth Harries highlighted the fact that the various city and school organizations shared a common conviction about the importance of health, the “whole child”, advocacy for a non-smoking environment and violence prevention, and other similar initiatives all geared towards building a stronger and healthier community. Keynote speaker Professor Charles Basch, of Columbia University, captured the attendees’ interest with his comprehensive presentation, providing insights into the role of health and wellness in academic achievement and the importance of supporting the efforts of the City of New Haven and the school district.

At Barnard.
The Summit audience itself illustrated a multi-faceted approach to fulfilling the health and wellness agenda, as it was represented not only by school nurses, nurse-practitioners, and social workers, but also by physical education teachers, administrators, food service workers, community health services providers, and non-profits leaders.

At Columbus.
The Summit honored the best of the best, the people who took leadership in shaping a culture of health and wellness in the schools and in the district. Among them were Carlos Ceballos, former Director of School Based Health Centers, along with Dee Speese-Linehan, former Director of Social Development and John Vigliotti, former Principal and PE department supervisor, who were recognized as Trailblazers for School Health. Special recognition to Sue Peters, Will Clark and Stephen Updegrove for their consistent work leading the District Wellness Committee and championing many health initiatives that have taken root across the district was presented by the Superintendent.

At King-Robinson.
Three school principals were named Pioneers for School Health: Abie Benitez from Columbus School, Denise Cole-Cross, former Principal of Mauro-Sheridan School, and Ana Rodriguez from Clinton Avenue School.

At Truman School.
Eight school teams received Health Hero awards: Wexler/Grant school for Comprehensive Health Education, Nathan Hale school for Physical Education/Physical Activity, Mauro-Sheridan Magnet school for Health Services, Columbus Family Academy for Nutrition and Food Services, Truman school for Behavioral Health Services, King Robinson Magnet school for Healthy, Safe and Positive environment, Barnard Magnet School for Youth, Family and Community Involvement, and East Rock Magnet school for Staff Health promotion.
Awards for Partners for Healthy Change went to the New Haven Health Department Bureau of Nurses, the Department of Parks and Recreation, and the Physical Education/Athletic Department.
Overall the event was exciting and new — the entire ceremony was conducted in an easy-going and relaxed manner as the Health and Wellness team of the Board of Education, lead by Will Clark, raffled fun and healthy prizes donated by community sponsors. Photos from the event can be viewed by visiting this site.
The event was made possible by the generous support of First Group, Inc., Anthem, Inc., Berchem, Moses and Devlin, P.C., Gilbane, Cornell Scott Hill Health Center, Yale New Haven Hospital, Planned Parenthood, New Alliance Foundation, and CompuClaim.