Time To Talk Goodell

Okay, we’ve all been thinking about it. Now, Michelle Turner is doing it: it’s time to talk about NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, and the impact he has had on the league over the past eight years.

On the latest episode of WNHH radio’s The Show,” she welcomed longtime sports journalist Tony McClean (pictured) of Digital First Media to discuss events that have happened — and decisions that have been made — under Goodell’s tenure, including Ray Rice’s now infamous elevator knockout,” the allegations of child abuse following Minnesota Viking Adrian Peterson, and Tom Brady’s win against the NFL last week.

It seems that every commissioner has their issues, but … it seems that its issues are more front and center [for the NFL],” Turner said. You’ve had spygate. You’ve had these suspensions. You’ve had the Tom Brady decision. Conduct issues. Do we expect Roger Goodell to be able to handle these? Is it not a combination of the rules that he’s set up and the ways that he’s enforced them, or is it that he’s just not gotten a handle on these issues?”

McClean responded with a comprehensive overview of the last years. To find out why The NFL, for lack of a better word, is a beast,” or why Everybody and their momma knows what kind of person Donald Sterling has been over the last two years,” why Jim McMann is a cuckoo bird” or why other major league sports take their cue from the NFL,” tune in. You can listen to the episode by clicking on the audio above or finding it in iTunes, Soundcloud or on any podcast app under WNHH Community Radio.” 

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