To: John DeStefano, Jr.

Dest%20Police%20PC%201.jpgWhat’s in the mayor’s inbox? In one week, while the news cameras showed him wrestling with a police crisis, his email showed him dealing with a possible bank sale, appointments to boards, a new idea for collecting more revenue, the fate of a city contractor, City Hall’s relationship with black and Latino ministers, as well as hard-to-score tickets to Jersey Boys.

That picture of Mayor John DeStefano’s communications comes from a stack of printed-out emails released by the city in response to an Independent Freedom of Information request. The request, filed in the spring, covered the last part of March.

At the time, the DeStefano administration was consumed, at least publicly, with an unfolding police scandal stemming from an undercover FBI investigation of allegedly crooked narcotics cops. Indeed, a few of the more than 100 pages of correspondence released include discussions about the police department. (Chief Francisco Ortiz wrote two of them, addressing DeStefano as Sir” and Boss.”)

One note offering insight into deliberations at City Hall came from DeStefano’s chief of staff, Sean Matteson. At the time City Hall was being battered in particular by police critics in the black community. Matteson weighed the pros and cons of establishing a monthly 90-minute … roundtable” with black and Latino ministers. Matteson suggested the idea could provide the mayor some moral ground” but also risked having the clergy go off reservation.” The idea never came to fruition.

Most striking about the pile of emails is how little had to do with the crisis du jour. DeStefano had a city to run. He was in touch with staffers and community people on subjects ranging from how to react to a reported sale of NewAlliance Bank (which proved untrue) and whom to appoint to the board of a new community bank (“your Community Bank,” in the words of city Budget Chief Larwrence Rusconi); to a city staffer’s request for a new job and the details of a spring parks clean-up.

Should the mayor place a courtesy call” to a state commissioner about the need for an emergency response” to Dean Street’s flooding problem? Bishop Robert Stallings wanted an update about the status of a proposed land transfer next to his Beers Street church. Bozrah’s first selectman had nice words to report about a Sunday visit to College Street. (“Next time I’ll join you at the Owl Shop – they do nice job,” DeStefano wrote back.) The parking authority’s chief assured the mayor that Cliff Winkle would reciev a bid package” for the new Mid-Block Garage. The mayor, meanwhile, had 13 questions for his chief administrative officer to answer about next season’s snow removal.

Following is the full text of email exchanges on five subjects, with updates this week from a conversation with the mayor. Covered below: Matteson’s clergy idea. A proposal to raise new revenue by auditing values claimed on construction permits. A school rebuilding official’s response to a mayoral inquiry about the possibility of hiring a local contractor. An exchange with a schools official about condition of lab equipment at Sound School. And the mayor’s efforts to obtain, with the Shubert’s help, hard-to-get tickets to Jersey Boys on Broadway.

* * * *

The Ministers
From: Sean Matteson
To: DeStefano, Jr., John
Date: 3/26/2007 8:00:44AM
Subject: What are your thoughs on …

a monthly 90-minute clergy roundtable with you and the CAO while the review of the department is underway. I am thinking of having both Latino and Afro-American clergy there as well as a few others.

Again, as per my past conversations with you, this is a constituency group that in the past has NOT been organized as well as they should have been. In addition it gives us moral ground a wide array of other issues to include them in discussions.

I guess the counter arguement would be that they have a decreasing organizing ncapacity themselves, have less influence in their communities today than they did a generation ago and, if enpowered and left unchecked, can go off reservation.”

But, I believe that if we enpower themt hrough these meetings, give them clear and doable” tasks and asks the return is greater than if we did nothing at all.

i was interested in your thoughts on the matter.

Update: Idea dropped.

Who Gets Contracts

From: Roger, Thomas”
To; John DeStefano, Jr.”
Date: 3/23/2007 5:00:00 PM
Subject: Subconsultant List

Attached is the list of the proposed assignments for the various design subconsultants for your approval. I did put DTC into the building and site environmental work on Hill Central and East Rock. That is the only area where their performance has been anywhere near the top 4 or 5 consultants that are working for us. In the other key engineering areas, especially the MEP engineering, their performance has been among the worst of the 10 different firms that are working for us. Only Luchs Engineering (i.e. DeCarlo & Doll) has been worse. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Update: I don’t particularly remember” this exchange, DeStefano said this week. He called DTC one of the many engineering firms we used before” on city projects.

Loss Of Animal Life”

From: John DeStefano, Jr.
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:48 AM
Subject: Sound School Lab Equipment

I was over at Sound School yesterday and took a walk through the labs. I asked about the equipment in the labs — whether the equipment we initially purchased was all being used, etc. In talking with them the issue they raised – in response to my questioning – was the failure of chiller equipment on the roof. Equipment that was not covered under any service contract, causing the loss of animal life and lab work. Couldyou look into this and advise – they didn’t raise it with me, I was asking a lot of questions.

The contact is the lab director – Geoff Sampson who can be reached at 860 – 659-4874 or 860 – 614-0219.

Tol” John DeStefano, Jr.”
Date: 3/29/2007 12:41:56 PM
Subject: RE: Sound School Lab Equipment

Mayor, sorry it took me so long to even acknowledge your email. I have been in meetings all morning.

This is part of a much larger set of issues, most of which has to do with the operating requirements of a specialized school like Sound. The School itself handles this equipment. That said, I have talked with Geoff Sampson (He is a contractor who is paid — not enough in his estimation — to maintain the fish production equipment). I still need to talk with the Principal and then will give you a full report.



P.S. We cleaned the graffiti at Martinez last night, only to have more apepar this morning (which we are also cleaning off). I am looking into getting a camera installed in that area.

Construction Audit?

From: John DeStefano, Jr.
To: Lawrence Rusconi
Date: 3/26/2007 4:55:55 PM
Subject: Re: Building Permit – Cost of Construction Audit


»>Larence Rusconi 3/26/2007 5:52:28 PM»>
Mayor, I would like to review our authority under the Statutes to determine how best to implement this procedure. Since the Assessor also must revise the values on improved properties I want to explore whether we can involve their Office in some constructive manner. I will research and get back to you in the next day or so.

»>John DeStefano, Jr. 3/26/2007 10:53:26 AM »>
I raised with Andy Rizzo the idea of auditing (on a select basis) cost of construction declared by contractors in building permit applications. The idea is to ensure that we do not have under reporting of costs going on to avoid our building permit fee. Andy related that all rpojects costing in excess of $100,000 now do require a certification at the end oft he project and prior to issuance of a C of O, declaring final costs. Why not institute an audit procedure rather than relying solely on self reporting? I would consider strengthening our notice to contractor and exploring how such a process would work, how we would access information and how we could make this all enforceable and work from a practical point of view. I would ask Budget to set up the process. Your thoughts?

Update: The mayor says the idea remains under active review.” Its potential budget impact lies more in raising assessments than in collecting larger one-time fees.

Jersey Boys, Ho!

From: John Fischer
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 12:10 PM
To: Schnepp, Steve
Subject: Jersey Boys Question


I would normally not even ask this, but since we have this unique partnership pending with Jersey Boys, I’ll ask…

Is it at all possible to purchase two house seats for Jersey Boys in New York for this Saturday evening at 8 pm? Thanks.

John F. Fisher
VIce Presdient and Executive Director

CAPA and the Shubert Theater
247 College Street, New Haven, CT 06510
203 – 624-1825 office, 203 – 789-2286 fax


From: Schnepp, Steve
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:11 PM
To: John Fisher
Subject: RE: Jersey Boys Question

I’ll submit the order……if you can give me the credit card details, please.




From: John Fisher
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2007 1:41 PM
To: Schnepp, Steve’
Subject: RE: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Thanks, I should mention they are for our Mayor (and the city owns the Shubert here), so it’s great if we can take care of him. I assume these are at the regular price of $100 or $110 each? Thanks again — John

Show: Jersey Boys – New York
Date: Saturday evening March 24, 2007 at 8:00 p.m.
Tickets: 2

Tickets to be held under: John DeStefano, Jr.

Card Holder: John DeStefano, Jr.
Billing Zip: 06515


From: John Fisher
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 8:25 AM
To: Scnepp, Steve’
Subject: FW: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Steven: Just touching base with you on this. Thanks. — John


From: John Fisher:
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 12:25 PM
To: Higgins, Temah
Cc: Schnepp, Steve
Subject: FW: Jersey Boys House Seat Request


Steven in the office today? Can you help check on this for me. Thanks very much. — John


From: Schnepp, Steve
Sent: Fri 3/23/2007 12:30 PM
To: John Fisher; Higgins, Temah
Subject: RE: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Dear John.,

I’m still working on getting these for you


Steven _______________________

From: John Fisher
To: [Rosemarie Lemley; John DeStefano, Jr.]
Date: 3/23/2007
Date: 3/23/2007 2:05:33 PM
Subject: FW: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Update: I’m awaiting an answer and confirmation. Jersey Boys tickets are usually impossible to get, but we’re working on it, and will have an answer and hopefully the tickets this afternoon. Regards — John.

John F. Fisher
Vice President and Executive Director

CAPA and the Shubert Theater


From: Schnepp, Steve
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 2:18 PM
To: John Fisher
Cc: Mackey, Sean
Subject: RE: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Dear John,

Only premium tix are available. A pair runs a little over $700. Do you want them?

With more notice we could do regular house seats.

Let us know asap.




From: John Fisher
To: [John DeStefano, Jr.]
Date: 3/23/2007 2:41:49 PM
Subject: FW: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

These are a bit too high I think. remember you can see it here in New Haven at the Shubert on May 12 or 13th for free. _________

From: Schnepp, Steve Sent: Friday, March 23, 2007 4:14 PM To: John Fisher Cc: Mackey, Sean Subject: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Dear John,

Well we went back and they said they didn’t have them. But many calls later and they are all set up. The tix are in demand.

Set up by Sandy Carlson, Company Manager. Please give that name to Mr. DeStefano in case he needs a contact name.




From: John Fisher
To: [Rosemarie Lemley]
Date: 3/23/2007 4:42:44 PM
Subject: FW: Jersey Boys House Seat Request

Jersey Boys is all set for Saturday March 24, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. The tickets should be under his name at the box office (if not check under my name). They ended up going through the theater here, so he won’t be charged for them.

He should print this and take it with him and if he has any problem picking them up, they were set up by Sandy Carlson, the Company Manager of Jersey Boys, through Steven Schepp at the general manager’s office.

My cell number if heeds it on saturday is … They should really enjoy this show. Regards — John

John F. Fisher
Vice Presdient and Executive Director

CAPA and the Shubert Theater

Update: I went to Jersey Boys,” the mayor said this week, and I paid for my tickets.”

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