Wednesday’s shows advocate for minority contractors’ rights, add a black feminist voice to the wage gap fight, introduce listeners to a new book, and look at Obamacare in Connecticut.
On this episode, host Shafiq Abdussabur talks about his new venture Eco-Urban Pioneers and how to get small businesses involved in the $44 million construction of the Strong School with Vincent Giordano Jr., vice president of Giordano Construction, and Lil Snyder, head of the Small Contractor Development program. To listen click on the above audio or check out the new “Urban Talk Radio” podcast.
“Mornings with Mubarakah” host Mubarakah Ibrahim talks about the struggle black women face with pay inequality. To listen click on or download the audio above or check out the new “Mornings with Mubarakah” podcast.
Access Health Connecticut CEO Jim Wadleigh talks about efforts to remain sustainable in the face of possible federal cuts, and why Connecticut has been Obamacare’s shining example of how federally subsidized health insurance can work well. Today’s episode was made possible in part thanks to support from Yale-New Haven Hospital. To listen click on or download the audio above or check out the “Dateline New Haven” podcast.
“Book Talk” host Cyd Oppenheimer talks with author Robin Sloan about unlearning how to write for the Internet, reading with Google open on the side, and about why books still matter in the post-election world. Guest readers Tui Sutherland and Alfie Guy join Oppenheimer to discuss technology and tradition, fantasy and friendship, names and nighttime. To listen click on or download the audio above or check out the “Book Talk” website.