Rosalind Lewis in front of the tree that didn’t smash her car.
Rosalind Lewis had a feeling that one of the trees within her apartment complex was destined to fall. So she parked her car in a different spot, far from the trees.
It was a wise move.
Officer John Lalli stands in front of an uprooted tree at the corner of Dayton Street He’s been on duty nearly nonstop for the past two days.
At the corner of Woodbridge and Alston in Westville.
A sign on the front door of the Alston Avenue home.
From her apartment window on the second floor of the Quincy Mews Condominiums on Whalley Avenue, Lewis watched as one of the large trees was uprooted and came crashing down. It was one of at least 195 trees that came crashing down around New Haven Monday during Superstorm Sandy.
A memorial on Forest Road remains intact despite Sandy.
At the corner of Dayton and Whalley, owners of Whalley Liquor Store attempt to take down their falling sign.
Lewis was leaving her apartment to go to work, but briefly stopped to look at the fallen tree in exasperation. “My neighbors had been complaining about that trees for years. It was too big, and its big branches would touch the apartments. They had kept asking for it to be cut down, but they said there was no money in the budget.”
The tree now blocks over half of the condominiums of Quincy Mews and Governor Rows, stopping people from leaving through front doors or getting their cars out from their garages.
Willard Street.
Willard Street.

Thomas MacMillan Photo
On Alden Avenue on Tuesday afternoon, a crew from the public works department was clearing leaves and downed limbs.

Thomas MacMillan Photo
Further down Alden, near the corner of Cleveland Road, a large tree had toppled over from one property onto a neighboring house.

Thomas MacMillan Photo
On West Rock Avenue between Whalley and Yale, a tangle of fallen trees had missed a car but snapped off the top of a street light, which was still suspended in mid air.