Ariela Martin Photo
“Good things come to people who do good” was the message Monday afternoon at Start Community Bank on Whalley Avenue. Tyler Gallman had won, yet again — because of his loyalty to his mother.
Earlier this month, Gallman won an iPad in a raffle in a summer savings contest for the Youth@Work program, in which he was able to save a total of $302 from his job with New Haven’s elderly services department. After winning the contest, Gallman, a student at Eli Whitney Technical School, honored a promise to give the iPad to his mother. Click here to read a previous Independent article about that.
A reader of the previous Independent article subsequently contacted Start’s senior vice-president, Lynn Smith to say: “I like that young man, his generosity is extraordinary; I love your savings program, I think the Youth@Work jobs program is a critical program that teaches our teens job skills— I want to support initiaves like this.”
The reader offered to donate another $151 to Tyler’s account if Start would match it. Start agreed.
In a ceremony Monday, Smith presented the enlarged check to Gallman. “This reaffirms my faith in the universe,” Smith said. “I believe good things come to people who do good.”
“Now you all see what can happen when you’re good to your mother,” Smith remarked to the staff and attendees of the event.
Gallman proceeded to hand the check to Matthew Hart, a teller at the bank. The two managed to wedge the cardboard check through the slot in the window. Hart printed him a real receipt with the additional funds.
Insomnia Cookies added a “sweet” bonus to the event — a donated box of cookies and brownies.