Courtney Luciana Photo
East mural aimed at supporting local green initiatives.
I mailed my absentee ballot today, and I almost missed it. I was so focused on the people I wanted to vote for — and certain people I wanted to vote against — that I almost missed the block of text on the right-hand side of the ballot:
“Shall Congress prepare for health and climate crises by transferring funds from the military budget to cities for human needs, jobs and an environmentally sustainable economy?”
Fortunately, I noticed it as I was folding my ballot to stuff it inside the inner envelope, stopped, and energetically marked the oval for “Yes!” I testified to the Board of Alders last June, asking them to put this on the ballot, and they unanimously agreed. I am a scientist, so I like facts. My testimony to the alders was a compilation of facts:
- Direct military spending in the fiscal year ending in Sept. 2020 will amount to $746 billion — more than $2 billion per day, more than $1 million per minute.
- The U.S. military is the largest institutional consumer of fossil fuels in the world. Since the beginning of the “War on Terror” in 2001, the U.S. military has emitted 1.2 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases. This is more than double the annual greenhouse gas emissions of all the automobiles in the U.S.
- Green manufacturing—the kind of work that would employ the technical skills used in defense manufacturing in Connecticut — creates 28 percent more jobs per dollar spent than defense spending.
- Retrofitting buildings for energy efficiency—work we desperately need to do in New Haven, with our older and less energy efficient buildings — would create twice as many jobs per dollar spent as defense spending, and would immediately benefit the people of New Haven in reducing our energy bills and improving our health and comfort.
- Our endless wars all over the world since 2001 have killed over 800,000 people and have not added to the peace or security of our country.
Why do we have such a huge military — bigger than those of the next 10 countries combined? The events of the last six months have shown that our status as a military superpower cannot keep us in New Haven safe from disease, from economic collapse, from gun violence, and from our divisions along racial and economic lines. Neither can it protect our country from the wildfires, floods, and hurricanes that seem never to end — and that are only a foretaste of the climate disasters to come.
We can’t solve our most pressing problems here in the city of New Haven, in the state, in the country, or in the world through military domination. Covid-19 is a global problem. The solution will ultimately be a global solution. We need to do everything we can locally to prevent the spread, to support the vulnerable and to prepare for fair and rapid mobilization when vaccines and treatments become available. In the meantime the solutions lie in cooperation, not domination.
Climate change is also a global problem. We are way behind in grappling with the complexities and the will to implement global solutions, so just as with Covid-19, we need to do everything we can locally to make sure that those most vulnerable have the resources they need to adapt to the heat, the flooding, the increases in disease and the massive economic shifts that we know are coming. We also need to radically change our city in cooperation with the state and the rest of the world to stop putting the gases into the air that will make climate change worse.
Shifting money from the military would provide enormous practical benefits — making money available for human health, jobs, and environmental sustainability in our city. It would also represent a paradigm change in the federal government by raising the focus on human needs, not just in response to a crisis, but in supporting the community to reduce and prevent the crises of the future. And maybe — just maybe — it could lead to more cooperation and less domination in our relationships with the rest of the world.
We need to speak loudly as a city to our federal government — especially to the senators and congressional representatives from our state, who fight for and celebrate every defense spending bill — to say that we no longer want our tax money to go for bombs and planes and helicopters and tanks to dominate the world. We want our tax money to go toward safety and security for all of us, so that we have the resources we need to address our pressing problems and to build a unified, resilient, and sustainable city for the future.