Paula Panzarella sent in the following report. She and John Fitzpatrick contributed the photos.
Saturday, Dec. 18, the annual West River Holiday Party, sponsored by the West River Neighborhood Services Corporation, was held at Berger Apartments, 135 Derby Ave. There were about 250 adults and children converging in the community room and solarium for crafts, face-painting, food, music and free toys.
The planning committee, comprised of Emma Tavares, Betty Cardoza, Muriel Curry, Yury Maciel-Andrews, Stacy Spell, Frank Panzarella and Paula Panzarella, coordinated the details since October to pull this event together.
WRNSC President Stacy Spell hands out gifts.
West River neighbors went all out to ensure this party would be a success, and the response from organizations and businesses was overwhelming. Students from Barnard Environmental Magnet School made cards for the residents of Berger Apartments, Toys for Tots and the Police Athletic League supplied the toys for all the kids, the Hospital of St. Raphael donated most of the food, Stop and Shop at the Amity donated a deli platter, bread was given from Lupi Legna Bakery, BJ’s donated a gift card, Walgreen’s on York Street donated gift bags for all the seniors, and various promotional items came from START Bank, Citizens Bank and TD Bank for the seniors.
Private donations included four Avon gift baskets donated for a raffle. The solidarity of neighbors and businesses who wanted to really show off the holiday spirit for West River gave a magnificent present to the neighborhood through this party.
Emma Tavares and Betty Cardoza.
Facepainter Porsche Edmundson worked her magic transforming the kids’ faces into animal faces. The music of Jazz Folks incorporated holiday favorites as well as jazz standards. Sherie MacGregor’s card-making tables were inundated with kids taking their turns with markers, glitter and stickers to create Christmas cards for their families and friends. And a highlight for many was the slideshow of past West River events, created by Sandra Fitzpatrick. Kids squealed in excitement when they saw the projected photos of themselves at last year’s Holiday Party.
It was an amazing and beautiful chaos of neighbors, young and old, getting together, having fun, seeing old friends and making new ones. Hooray for the West River neighborhood!
Frank Panazarella, Lydia Smith, Tim Kane.