Courtney Luciana photos
Joshua Levitt offered a reason for why he showed up at a public Chanukah celebration Sunday evening rather than stay hunkered down at home.
“It’s a holiday of lights,” he said, “and this is a time in the world where we could use some more light.”
Joshua and Amanda Levitt (pictured above) brought their three children to a drive-in Chanukah party held after sundown in the municipal parking lot at Whalley Avenue and Blake Street in Westville Village.
Fifty carloads of families like the Levitts reserved spots at the event with Chabad of Westville, which organizes a menorah lighting party at the spot each year. This year it said it aimed to keep the tradition going in a Covid-19-safe environment.
“I think we’ve been doing a pretty good job with staying safe while also still celebrating,” Amanda Levitt said. “We’ve been making every night special by lighting candles and making latkes. I appreciate the effort of tonight.”
Chabad of Westville’s goody bags.
Latkes (potato pancakes) and lighting the menorah were also incorporated into the Chabad of Westville’s Chanukah event. As drivers pulled into the parking lot, they were handed goody bags filled with latkes and applesauce, jelly donuts and Hanukkah gelt, and a flag that read “Shine your Light.”
Usually the Chanukah event consists of attendees walking up to the lot to celebrate outside in a close-together group. This year everyone remained in their cars or emerged and remained socially distanced.
“We had to think of a Covid-riendly safe time and we weren’t exactly sure what this event would turn out to be,” said Rabbi Chanoch Wineberg, who organized the event with his wife Mushka Wineberg. “The event being livestreamed online was one of the possibilities. Throughout the stages, we finally got to this drive-in idea. Families, especially the ones with children, were really excited to come back this year.”
Rabbi Chanoch started out the celebration with remarks before lighting the menorah with tiki torch flames.
“There is this notion, especially tonight, as we come in our vehicles that everything we have in our homes and have access to — we could turn into positivity for us and the people around us,” Chanoch said. “Just look tonight how all of you have shown up in your vehicles, and your vehicle turns into a haven where you can proudly enjoy a safe menorah lighting.”
Rabbi Chanoch lighting the menorah.
Chanoch and the crowd sang songs like “Haneirot Halalu” (We light These Candles), which explains what purpose each candle on the menorah serves; and “S’Vivon sov sov sov,” about spinning dreidels.
The Gelband family.
Jennifer Gelband (pictured on the far left), who attends every year, said that this event is the only chance to celebrate with her extended family.
“This year is different because we can’t dance altogether,” Gelband said. “At home, everything is just fine, except I’m here with my mom and grandmother tonight, but we don’t live in the same household, so it’s tough to not celebrate together. This is the opportunity for us to get together.”
Family and friends wrapped up the gathering by standing outside of their cars while social distancing to catch chocolate gelt (candy coins) thrown by members of the New Haven Fire Department. Children screamed with joy while grabbing the gelt while wearing their masks.
Julia Weinstein stood with husband, her 4‑year old, and 1‑year old catching the gelt by taping a reusable shopping bag to a long piece of wood.
“At home it’s not too different. We’re singing and dancing, and lighting our menorah like every year,” said Weinstein, who works at Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy (SCHA). “It’s a little sad that we have to gather at our cars tonight, but it’s just for now. Next year we’ll be able to schmooze again like normal.”
Sarah Lalou and her family moved to the area two years ago and attended the event last year. Lalou said that the lighting this year was even more special amid the pandemic.
“You can feel in the atmosphere that everybody is happy to be here tonight.” “It has an entirely new meaning this year because it’s happier and bringing light into our lives.”