Lucy Gellman Photo
Ivan Tirado’s work.
New Haven explored urban planning to terrorism, from Capoeira to “Strange Ways,” on the latest shows aired on WNHH radio.
On “Dateline New Haven,” host Paul Bass welcomed back state senators Joe Markley and Gary Winfield to talk about the state budget, as well as terrorism after San Bernardino. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the above audio.
Let’s dance! Efraim Slva of CT Capoeira & Dance Center appeared on “At The Moment” to speak with host Sharon Benzoni about his Brazilian heritage, and what drew him to the nutmeg state. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the above audio.
Body painting artist Ivan Tirado and Strange Ways owner Alex Dakoulas joined Alisa Bowens on her weekly “Culture Cocktail,” where they geeked out over the art New Haven has to offer. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the above audio.
On “Deep Focus,” host Tom Breen sat down in the studio with urban planning guru Elihu Rubin. They discussed how New Haven has changed, and how the city’s urban spaces are shifting. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the above audio.
For “This Day in New Haven History” hosts Allan Appel and Jason Bischoff-Wurstle, 1942 rages on. The Japanese finally — beaten back at Midway — are taking a lot of Marine lives on Guadalcanal, not yet secured. With the war’s outcome still uncertain, more and more planes, tanks, and ships are being produced and this day New Haveners hear that a cruiser, to be named the U.S.S. New Haven has just been commissioned.
On “Urban Talk Radio,” host Shafiq Abdussabur invited CAIR’s Mongi Dhaouadi and Sameena Usman by phone, and Mubarakah Ibrahim and Imam Kashif Abdul Karim, resident Imam at Muhammad Islamic Center of Greater Hartford, joined host Shafiq Abdussabur to talk about growing islamophobia in America after the San Bernardino shootings. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
WNHH’s own Shafiq Abdussabur joined Mubarakah Ibrahim on “Mornings with Mubarakah” to talk gun violence, popular culture, and politics. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
On “Dateline New Haven,” Paul Bass celebrated Hanukkah with musicians David Chevan, Jackie Sidle and Brian Slattery. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
The Hanukkah festivities continued into the afternoon! In a short special episode of “Kitchen Sync,” host and WNHH Station Manager Lucy Gellman took a closer look at latkes in New Haven, and how to make the perfect one. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
As fear of an enemy attack from the air continues, Elizabeth Tracy, the librarian at the branch over on Portsea Street near Trowbridge Square ‚had a problem: How to dim all lights after dark in keeping with the city’s defense council requirements and yet how were kids to do their homework? Solution: For weeks Ms. Tracy’s been hauling the books and kids down to the basement until the black out shades, on order, arrive.