Lucy Gellman Photos
Krikko Obbott.
Thursday’s broadcasts on WNHH looked at the best films of 2015, artists in New Haven, and more.
On “Deep Focus,” host Thomas Breen was looking back at 2015 to look forward. Welcoming Madison Art Cinema‘s Arnold Gorlick and New Haven movie blogger Dan Heaton, Breen discussed and debated the top 10 movies of 2015, exploring trends in the film industry that surfaced and resurfaced throughout the year. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
For her first episode of 2016, host Alisa Bowens invited Shana Schneider, author of FitStyle Your Life, to discuss fitness goals in the new year. That wasn’t Bowens’ only surprise for 2016: Real Estate Agent Dallas Davis, joined her for a new segment on city gossip. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
According to artist Krikko Obbott, who appeared in the WNHH studio for “At The Moment,” bigger really is better. With host Sharon Benzoni, he spoke about his journey from Nigeria to the United States, and from architecture to fine art. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.
On “Mornings with Mubarakah,” host Mubarakah Ibrahim spoke with Joanne Goldblum, founder and executive director of the The National Diaper Bank Network, and Janet Stolfi Alfano, executive director of The New Haven Diaper Bank. The three discussed the “invisible sides of poverty:” the lack of clean diapers for babies born at or under the poverty level, how to find and support diaper banks, and how to read — and respond to — poverty statistics within a specific age bracket.
Kica Matos, the director of immigrant rights and racial justice at the Center for Community Change, and Ana Maria Rivera-Forastieri of Junta for Progressive Action joined host Paul Bass on “Dateline New Haven.” They discussed the immigration raids that the city has been bracing for — and bucking against — in the larger context of immigration reform. To listen to the full episode, click on or download the audio above.